
Heavily Pregnant Woman Goes into Labor in Traffic Jam, No Ambulance Could Get There – Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Aug 14, 2021
04:20 A.M.

A pregnant woman went into labor in a traffic jam. She called the ambulance for help and informed her husband that she was stuck. But unfortunately, neither of them could help her...


Amy was driving home from her daughter’s painting class when she heard a sports car behind her honking. Not long after, the car overtook her and blocked her way. Confused, Amy slowed down her car and stopped.

An angry man jumped out of the sports car, and with rage on his face, he sharply opened Amy’s car window. “Are you too dumb to drive? Shall I show you where the gas pedal is, dummy?” he shouted at her.

Then he noticed Amy’s belly, which a now terrified Amy had covered with her hands as if to protect it. But even after that, the man continued his attacks. “Oh, you’re pregnant! That explains why you suck at driving!” he said rudely.

Amy was stuck in a traffic jam and the ambulance couldn't reach her | Photo: Shutterstock

Amy was stuck in a traffic jam and the ambulance couldn't reach her | Photo: Shutterstock

At this moment, Amy’s eyes almost welled up with tears. Still, the man didn’t stop his insults. “Lady, listen to me carefully," he snarled. "Don’t dare to drive in front of my car again, or you’ll have to pay a heavy price!”


The man smelled strongly of alcohol, and Amy was scared that he might harm her or her daughter seated in the rear seat. So she tried to lock the door, but the man didn’t let her and instead opened it angrily. “Whoa, whoa! Do you think you can get away so easily?” he threatened her.

Amy didn’t want to get into trouble. She tried to calm the situation down and requested the man to let her go. “Please, let go of my door! You’re scaring my daughter!” she told him.

The man glared at her. “No way I’m sparing you so easily. After all, it’s because of you that I’m late for a concert! You owe me $100 for the ticket. If you give me the money, then I might think about letting you go!” he told Amy.

The man got down from his car and started threatening Amy | Photo: Unsplash

The man got down from his car and started threatening Amy | Photo: Unsplash


Meanwhile, Amy’s daughter Lily started crying. “Mom, why is that man yelling at you? It was his fault after all!” she said in a shaky voice.

Unfortunately for Amy, Lily’s question made the man angrier. He threatened his hands in Lily’s direction and screamed at the top of his lungs, “If you don’t shut up, kid, I’ll slap you right now!”

At this point, Amy lost her cool. “Don’t you dare touch my daughter! Back off right now, or I’m calling the police!” she yelled at him.

But the man snatched the phone out of Amy’s hand and smashed it on the pavement. “No, you’re not calling anybody!” he told her angrily.

The man smashed Amy's phone so that she didn't contact anyone | Photo: Pexels

The man smashed Amy's phone so that she didn't contact anyone | Photo: Pexels

Amy was about to yell at him again, but suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. “Sir, I need to go to the hospital right now!” she told the man. “Call an ambulance, please. I’m begging you!”


Sadly, it didn’t take even a second for the man to turn down Amy’s request. “Call one yourself! I’m not your slave!” he told her instantly.

“But you broke my phone,” a dejected Amy said. “My child’s life might be in danger...”

“Lady, it’s your fault that you were in front of your car. I’m not responsible for your little goblins!” the man said irritably. After that, he angrily closed the door of Amy’s car, got into his sports car, and drove away.

Exhausted with pain, Amy tried to drive, but she dropped the idea soon. Unfortunately, the pain was so bad that she could hardly keep herself from frightening her daughter with her screams.

Amy was crying in pain | Photo: Pexels

Amy was crying in pain | Photo: Pexels


Lily was still a kid, but she could tell from her mother’s expression that she was in a lot of pain. So Lily got out of the car and picked up Amy’s phone from the sidewalk to check whether it was still working.

Fortunately, despite being nearly shattered, the phone was still functional. Lily ran towards Amy, shouting, “Mom, mom, we can use the phone! It’s working!”

Amy quickly took the phone, called her husband Jack, and informed him about the entire scenario. Jack assured her not to worry and that he’d be there soon. To be on the safe side, Amy also called the ambulance.

But sadly, several minutes passed, and neither her husband nor the ambulance showed up. Worried, she called Jack again. “Honey, where are you? I can’t take the pain anymore!”

Amy called her husband again because she couldn't stand the pain | Photo: Pexels

Amy called her husband again because she couldn't stand the pain | Photo: Pexels


“I’m sorry, Amy, but I can’t come there. I had almost reached your area, but an accident happened on the nearby bridge and the roads are blocked! Some daredevil drove at breakneck speed into the oncoming lane, and the entire traffic is diverted towards your location,” he told her.

Amy was devastated. She alighted from the car and looked around for help, but there was no point. All she could see was a line of cars on the road. By now, she realized her only option was to walk to the hospital. Otherwise, she’d have to give birth in the car.

She picked up her bag and was almost about to leave the car, but then she heard the radio host’s voice. He was urgently searching for paramedics among the people in the traffic jam.

As per the host, no ambulance could reach the accident scene, and one of the accident victims’ lives was hanging by a thread.

The radio host was urgently looking for paramedics | Photo: Pexels

The radio host was urgently looking for paramedics | Photo: Pexels


Before her maternity leave, Amy had worked as a nurse. So, surviving another painful bout, she decided to go to the bridge instead of the hospital. She got her first aid kit which she always kept in the car, grabbed her daughter’s hand, and went to help.

However, when she arrived at the scene, she discovered that the victim was none other than the drunk man who had threatened her. When Lily saw the man, she told her mom not to help him, but Amy decided to.

“Mom, he was so rude to us. Why would you even think of helping him?” Lily retorted.

Amy held Lily’s hand in hers. “Remember, we should always help someone in need, Lily. There will be no difference between him and us if we do the same thing,” she explained and went over to the man.

Amy helped the man and saved his life | Photo: Pexels

Amy helped the man and saved his life | Photo: Pexels


He was wedged between the seat and the airbag and couldn’t breathe. Amy quickly performed tracheal intubation which saved his life. Thankfully, ten minutes later, the ambulance helicopter also arrived. And soon, both the man and Amy were carried to the hospital.

Not long after, Amy delivered a healthy baby boy. Thankfully, despite the delay in assistance, both she and her child were out of danger. Then while Amy was sitting on her bed holding the baby in her arms, someone came into her room.

As Amy looked closely, she realized he was the same man she had rescued. His name was Harry. When Amy saw him, she became alert and cuddled her newborn baby near to her. “Why are you here now? Didn’t you trouble me enough already?” she asked him, scared.

Harry came to see Amy before leaving | Photo: Pexels

Harry came to see Amy before leaving | Photo: Pexels


The man apologized to her. “I’m really sorry for leaving you when you needed my help. Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you. They’ll take me to the police station tomorrow morning. Before that, I wanted to thank you for saving me!”

Amy’s expression changed. She wasn’t terrified anymore. The man continued, “It wasn’t until I was on the verge of death that I understood how much I love life and want to live it with dignity! So I promise I’ll never hurt anyone again.”

Harry did exactly as he’d promised. After he was released from prison, he founded the Second Chance, a rehabilitation center for alcoholics which has saved hundreds of lives. And it was all because of one courageous pregnant woman who lived by the principle, “If I can help, I will always help someone in need.”

What can we learn from this story?

  • Goodness triumphs over evil. It was because of Amy’s goddess that Harry realized he was wrong and became a better person.
  • Be a person of your principles. Just how Amy was. Despite the man’s rude behavior, she didn’t refrain from helping him.

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If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a little homeless girl who lived under an old bridge.

This account is inspired by our reader's story but written by a professional writer. All names have been changed to protect identities and ensure privacy. Share your story with us, maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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