A sad girl looking out a window | Source: Shutterstock
A sad girl looking out a window | Source: Shutterstock

Little Girl Asks Santa to Bring Her Mom Home after Leaving Her Alone for Christmas – Story of the Day

Roshanak Hannani
Dec 20, 2021
08:40 P.M.

Eight-year-old Sue was left alone in her house at Christmas while her mother went out with her boyfriend. The little girl was sad and decided to write a new letter to Santa, asking him to return her mom quickly. The following day, something beautiful happened.


"You can't go out at all, ok? I'm going to leave all the doors closed, and you just need to press the number 1 if you need anything. If there's an emergency, you dial 911 if you can't reach me, alright?" Sue's mother, Emily, reiterated to her daughter as she put on a coat and finished getting ready.

"But can't I just come with you, Mommy?" Sue asked, pulling on her shirt and pursing her lips in sadness. She looked up at her mother with sad eyes, watching the older woman get dressed.

Sue sat by the window and waited for her mother to return. | Source: Shutterstock

Sue sat by the window and waited for her mother to return. | Source: Shutterstock

"I'm going on a date, sweetheart. You can't."

"What about Daddy?"

"Your dad is far away, skiing with your stepmom, baby. Don't worry. It's only one night. I'll be back before you even wake up tomorrow, and we'll open the presents. We'll celebrate just like every year, only one day later. I trust you to behave, Sue. You're a big girl now," Emily said before kissing her daughter's forehead and leaving the house, locking the door behind her.

She realized that no one wanted to spend time with her at Christmas. | Source: Getty images

She realized that no one wanted to spend time with her at Christmas. | Source: Getty images

Sue didn't know what to do. She wasn't hungry, and her mother said she could watch whatever was on TV. But the young girl didn't want to do anything. Even at eight years old, she realized that no one wanted to spend time with her at Christmas. And it was her favorite time of the year. She sat by the window and waited to see if her mother would return soon.

When her parents divorced a couple of years ago, Emily and Sue spent the holidays on their own. Her dad had married a new woman and only saw his daughter a few times a year. But it was fine. Sue loved decorating cookies with her mom and opening presents.

She sat down to write a new letter for Santa. | Source: Unsplash

She sat down to write a new letter for Santa. | Source: Unsplash


Presents! That's it! Sue thought to herself and rushed to her room, looking for a pen and paper. She had already written a letter to Santa, and there were gifts under the tree. But maybe, Santa would be kind enough to give her something more.

"If he can see everything, he can see that we're celebrating Christmas tomorrow," Sue said quietly and brought the paper to the living room. She sat down on the floor in front of the unlit fireplace, where their stockings hung, and started writing.

"Dear Santa,

Please take back all my gifts because I need something else. Bring back Mommy quickly. I want to spend Christmas with her.



P.S. I'll leave more cookies for you!"

Sue placed the letter on her stocking and fell asleep. | Source: Unsplash

Sue placed the letter on her stocking and fell asleep. | Source: Unsplash


Afterward, the little girl pulled a chair in front of the fireplace and hung her letter from the opening of her Christmas stocking. Night had already fallen, so she laid down on the couch and waited for Santa to come down through the fireplace.

"It's Christmas. He should be here soon!" she said excitedly and couldn't wait to talk to him. Unfortunately, she fell asleep on the couch, forgetting to leave more cookies for Santa.

She fell asleep on the couch. | Source: Getty Images

She fell asleep on the couch. | Source: Getty Images

The next morning…

Emily opened the front door quietly to avoid waking her daughter all the way from her room. She didn't know Sue was right on the couch but smiled when she saw the little girl sleeping and started removing her jacket.


She had a great night with her boyfriend, but she wasn't ready to introduce him to Sue. Furthermore, Christmas was his only day off work, as the holiday season was so busy for his company in Bakersfield, California, so she had no choice but to spend that one day with him. But she made sure she was back right after and was looking forward to spending a traditional Christmas with her daughter.

Emily grabbed the letter from the stocking and went to the kitchen. | Source: Unsplash

Emily grabbed the letter from the stocking and went to the kitchen. | Source: Unsplash

Something caught Emily's attention as she walked further into her house. She stopped in front of the fireplace and noticed the new letter hanging from Sue's stocking.

"That's weird. I already checked her old letter," she whispered, grabbing it and entering the kitchen. She leaned on the kitchen island and opened the folded piece of paper in her hand.


Immediately, her eyes watered, and Emily covered her hand with her mouth to avoid making a sound. She couldn't believe her daughter felt compelled to write something like this. 'Oh my God, I'm the worst mother in the world," Emily thought to herself and ran to the living room.

She went down on her knees and shook little Sue awake. "Hey, baby girl. I'm back!"

They hugged, and Emily promised to never leave her like that again. | Source: Unsplash

They hugged, and Emily promised to never leave her like that again. | Source: Unsplash

The 8-year-old opened her eyes slowly and used her hands to rub them. Suddenly, she focused and beamed at her mother. "Mommy! Yay! You're here!" Sue exclaimed and wrapped her arms around Emily's neck.

"Yes, that's right! I'm here! Santa came to talk to me. I'm so sorry I left, darling. Don't worry. That will never happen again!" Emily promised a little more vehemently than she intended. She couldn't believe she had left her daughter alone for Christmas just for a man and vowed to herself never to do it again.


"Nothing will ever come before her," Emily pledged in her head. The little girl just cheered, and Emily grabbed her hand, pulling her to the kitchen to start baking some cookies. Sue was surprised that Santa had not taken all her previous presents. "He said that since you were so NICE this year, you get to keep them!" Emily white-lied while placing the cookie batter on the kitchen counter.

They decorated cookies together. | Source: Pexels

They decorated cookies together. | Source: Pexels

"Yay! This is the best Christmas ever!" the little girl added, stealing a piece of cookie dough and popping it in her mouth.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Christmas is about family. The holidays are about family, and if you have kids, it's important to be with them.
  • Never leave such a young child alone. Sue might have been a well-behaved girl, but something could have happened to her by accident.

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This account is inspired by our reader's story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com. 

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