
After Wife Leaves Family, Man Raises Child Alone, Woman Contacts Their Daughter 20 Years Later – Story of the Day

Roshanak Hannani
Feb 09, 2022
04:20 A.M.

Anne's father raised her after her mother left when she was just five years old. But one day, she returned home from work only to find a note from her on her door. They went to dinner, and Anne learned so much about her mother. She started to mistrust her dad, but he had something shocking to show her.


Anne was looking forward to a quiet night at home with her husband, Edward. They met in college, and at first, her father, Chris Harrison, didn’t approve. But that was his gut instinct. He didn’t trust anyone anymore, primarily after building Harrison Group in New York and gaining wealth. But his mistrust started earlier, when Anne’s mother, Fiona, left them forever.

Anne remembered that moment clearly. She was just five, and her parents fought all the time. One night, after yelling for a while, Fiona walked out. Back then, Chris worked three jobs to support his family and only founded his company years later.

Anne found a note on her front door. | Source: Shutterstock

Anne found a note on her front door. | Source: Shutterstock

Luckily, Chris warmed up to Edward and loved their relationship. He particularly liked that Edward refused the spot he offered at Harrison Group, choosing to work for his passion on his own. Chris respected his ambition and let it go. But Anne did work for him, and she deserved her job despite being the boss’s daughter.


It was hard work, and now, she was returning home looking forward to making dinner and talking to Edward about her day. But when she approached her front door, she saw a post-it note stuck in it.

Please, call me. Love, Mom.

There was a phone number after the message, and Anne couldn’t believe it. Her mother had not made contact in years. What could she want from her now? Should she call? Did she want money? She knew she would never get the answers unless she reached her so she took the plunge.


“Hello, darling!” Fiona chirped when she saw Anne entering the restaurant. The younger woman finally dialed the number and agreed to meet her mother for lunch the following day. But now, the moment had arrived, and Anne was nervous. This woman was a stranger.

Fiona revealed something shocking. | Source: Pexels

Fiona revealed something shocking. | Source: Pexels


“Hey, uhhh… Mom,” she replied awkwardly.

“If you don’t feel comfortable calling me that, it’s ok. You can call me Fiona for now,” the older woman said and sat back down, gesturing for Anne to do the same. “Also, thank you for calling me. I’ve been dying to catch up with you.”

“Let’s get to the chase, Fiona. Why did you call? The last time I saw you I was five years old. What do you want?” Anne demanded.

“I want to tell you the truth about what happened,” Fiona stated, pursing her lips and crossing her fingers on the table. “It was all your father’s fault…”

Fiona revealed that she came back a few years later and wanted to see Anne. But Chris refused and told her to stay away from the little girl. She understood why he did that. Anne had been traumatized when she left. But Fiona finally discovered Anne’s address and decided to take a chance.

“I don’t understand. You had many chances to find me for years. Why now? Do you need money?” Anne asked seriously. It was the most important question on her mind.

Anne wanted to know why her father had kept Fiona away. | Source: Pexels

Anne wanted to know why her father had kept Fiona away. | Source: Pexels


“No! Of course not! I actually have a rich husband now. Also, I’m buying your lunch today! I don’t know how else to prove that I don’t want anything but a relationship with you,” Fiona replied. “When you get older, you realize your priorities, and I wanted to make amends before it was too late. Is it too late?”

Anne thought about that for a few seconds. “No, it’s not too late. So, tell me about yourself.”

They changed the subject and talked for several hours while Fiona ordered all kinds of things off the menu. She even requested the most expensive wine, so Anne was sure that she didn’t need money from her.


While lunch with her mother had been lovely, Anne became enraged afterward. According to Fiona, her father had prevented her from reaching out for years and he was the reason they didn’t have a relationship now. She could understand that her father was probably hurt and trying to protect her, but she had been an adult for a while.

So instead of heading home, she went to her father’s house.

“How could you keep her away from me all these years, dad? That wasn’t fair! She wanted to make amends. I was old enough to make that choice! We wasted years!” Anne almost yelled, trying not to become hysterical.

Her father ushered her to his office. | Source: Pexels

Her father ushered her to his office. | Source: Pexels

“She didn’t, Anne. She’s lying to you,” Chris told her.

“No! You’re lying!”

He breathed a huge sigh, placing his hands on his waist. “I didn’t want to show you this, but come with me,” her father insisted and walked towards his office. He sat down on his chair and started clicking some things while Anne reached his side.

“What is it?” she asked, drying a few errant tears that had fallen.

“I’ve been protecting you from this for many years. But you’re right. You’re old enough to know the truth now,” Chris said quietly and opened a video. It showed Fiona and her dad having a heated discussion. It was from the mid-2000s when she was a teenager.


Her father increased the volume, and Anne could hear Fiona screaming. She was threatening her father with court and taking Anne away. Finally, she saw Chris handing her some money. The woman smiled like a cat that ate the canary and left. The video ended, and her dad pulled up another. It must have been a few years later.

Chris had video after video of the same situation. “I didn’t record it the first time. But my lawyer suggested it, so I placed the cameras at home, not knowing if she would return to demand more money,” he whispered, his mouth tight, trying to hold his emotions.

Chris was trying to protect her from Fiona. | Source: Pexels

Chris was trying to protect her from Fiona. | Source: Pexels

“But what if she has really changed now? She paid for lunch, so maybe, it’s true about her rich husband,” Anne suggested, not wanting to believe the worst of her mother.


“Oh, sweetie,” her dad replied, his head falling. “Look. This video is dated yesterday. I assume she left you that note right after this moment.”

It was clear as day. Fiona was even dressed exactly as she had been yesterday. Once again, she demanded money.

“But why did you give her anything? I’m an adult. She can’t take you to court now,” she wondered, tears falling from her eyes.

“I didn’t want her to get involved in your life. She could ruin you and Edward. She’s toxic. I wanted her gone. I would keep doing it if you want,” Chris said, looking at his daughter, and Anne couldn’t deny all the love in his eyes. Her father indeed did what he thought was best for her.

“No, Dad. This stops now. I’ll take care of it,” Anne finally stated, reaching up and wiping her tears off.


“Darling! I’m so glad you called again. I loved having lunch with you the other day! Have you thought about what I said? Are you ready to forgive me?” Fiona asked with a saccharine smile that Anne no longer believed.

Anne met Fiona again and said she would pay for lunch. | Source: Pexels

Anne met Fiona again and said she would pay for lunch. | Source: Pexels


“Of course, Mom,” she responded, and Fiona cheered at hearing that word. “But I’m buying lunch today! You can order anything you want today too!”

“That’s wonderful, baby!” the older woman sat and looked at the menu. She ordered lobster, caviar, several appetizers, desserts, and two bottles of the most expensive wines on the menu. Obviously, she knew that Anne worked at Harrison Group.

When they had devoured almost everything two hours later, Fiona excused herself to the bathroom. “I’ll be right back, sweetie. Why don’t you order the check, and we can do something fun together?” the older woman said as she rushed away to the toilets.

Anne did precisely what she requested. She ordered the check, pasted a post-it note on top, and left it on the table.

“She’ll pay when she comes out of the bathroom,” Anne told the waiter, who gave her a questioning look.

When Fiona returned from the powder room, she saw the post-it note first.

I enjoyed lunch, you shrew. Good luck paying for it!

Anne got her tiny revenge. | Source: Pexels

Anne got her tiny revenge. | Source: Pexels


Her mouth dropped open as she looked around the restaurant.

Anne never saw her again, but she heard a rumor that Fiona had made a huge scene when she couldn’t pay her bill.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Some people are not meant to be parents. Fiona didn’t deserve the title of “mother” at all. She only cared about herself for many years.
  • Recordings can save your life. If you’re being harassed or blackmailed, record as much as you can because it can prove that you’re not lying.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a widow who discovered she was never married to her late husband.

This account is inspired by our reader’s story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com. 

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