Biracial Lady Who Never Knew Her Father Takes DNA Test to Find the Other Side of Her Family
For many adopted children and adults, finding and reuniting with their biological family remains one of the most surreal moments. Continue reading to know how this story proves it.
In today's world, research has shown that many people are adopted, and despite the love they receive from their adoptive parents, some yearn to meet their birth parents.
Many adult adoptees have actively searched for their biological parents for many important reasons. Some seek medical knowledge; others want to know more about their family history.

Young Alexandria Bolz | Source: YouTube/WBIR Channel 10
But primarily, adoptees are genuinely curious about their birth parents' appearance, age, occupation, personality, and abilities.
Before the internet and social media age, searches for birth parents were done through meticulous research in printed documents and public records. Now, there is the availability of extensive information through the internet.
With the help of fingerprints and DNA test kits, adoptees can reconnect with their long-lost biological parents. The above was the case for a biracial lady who found her black father and learned about her heritage after many years with the help of a DNA test kit. Here are the details of the story.

Alexandria Bolz, a biracial native of Maryville, Tennessee | Source: YouTube/WBIR Channel 10
2020 was a year filled with many tragedies due to the coronavirus pandemic. Still, for Alexandria Bolz, a biracial native of Maryville, Tennessee, it was the year she would find her biological father and learn about her roots.
Bolz was raised by her white family and had given up hopes of finding her birth father, as the chances of succeeding after 35 years were slim. However, she changed her heart during the "Black Lives Matter" protest following George Floyd's death.
"So, Black Lives Matter, this sounds really cheesy, but it saved my life. And George Floyd happened at a time where I had the availability to be able to be out on the streets and do some of the civil rights work," Bolz revealed.

Alexandria Bolz, her biological dad and her kids. | Source: YouTube/WBIR Channel 10
While working, the biracial woman took a test using a DNA test kit. Surprisingly, when the results came back, her paternal grandmother, Cheryl Ligon, saw Bolz's face on the family's profile. Speaking about the results and her thoughts, Ligon confessed:
"And it said, 'Grandchild,' and I said, 'Really?'"
Then, Ligon proceeded to tell Bolz's father, Eroll Jennings, about his biological daughter, and he could not be happier.

Alexandria Bolz and her kids. | Source: YouTube/WBIR Channel 10
Eventually, the father and daughter reconnected, and Bolz learned some interesting facts about her family. She learned about her black ancestors, who owned lands and businesses in Tennessee, and her family in Michigan, who were civil rights activists. Bolz spoke about the experience thus:
"Truthfully, I think I know more about my black side now than I know about my white side. They are an amazing group of people."
On the other hand, Jennings revealed that he could never imagine life without his beautiful biological daughter. Since their online reconnection through a DNA Testing service, the father and daughter said they spend holidays together and stay in touch.
In March 2021, Julie Lane experienced the same joy as Bolz after reuniting with her biological father. Lane was adopted when she was five, and for the longest time, she desired to know who her birth father was.
So, the woman began her search using various methods, including research and checking many genetics companies. Unfortunately, after more than ten years, Lane had no luck and was on the verge of giving up.
"The information I had, his name, his ex-wife's name, the fact that he was military. I thought surely I can find him. After about ten years, I had kind of given up," the woman confessed. At the last minute, Lane made it known that her best friend and husband encouraged her to do one more genetic test before giving up.

Julie Lane and her biological father | Source: Youtube/WTKR News 3
So, she got a DNA test kit from 23andMe, and surprisingly, she got a match with a cousin. Eventually, Lane's cousin led her to her biological father, Jerry Williams. Speaking about the DNA results, Williams mentioned:
"I just didn’t expect that when the results came, it would go like it did. It's 8 o'clock at night, and they're calling around and saying, hey, there's this girl on 23andMe, and she comes up as a DNA match, and she thinks you’re her dad; could it be."
Williams said he had been looking for his daughter for many years, and finally, getting news on Lane was overwhelming. Eventually, the father and daughter reunited, and Lane also met her younger brother, JP, who shared a striking resemblance with her son.
In another similar story, Tracy Melton was left in shock after a DNA test result showed that she had a biological father and seven half-siblings she did not know about in 2018.
The woman had sent her DNA sample to Ancestry.com, hoping to get some knowledge about her ethnic background. However, finding out she had a birth father, who lived 12 miles away from her home in Spokane Valley, Washington, was jaw-dropping.

Tracy Melton | Source: YouTube/4 News Now
It was more surprising as her adoptive father, Rich Melton, had taken the same test the year before and found out he had a 45-year-old son he never knew existed. Speaking about her DNA test results, Tracy said: "It's crazy. We just went through this a year ago. And now it's happened again."
On February 23, 2018, Tracy contacted her birth father, Reynaldo Delgado. The latter revealed that he never knew about Tracy's existence until they spoke over the phone. The pair finally agreed to meet, and when they did, Tracy said it was comfortable. In her words:
"It felt very natural. It's very hard to explain. I never knew something was missing."
The father and daughter talked and bonded over things they shared in common. Tracy made it known that the relationship they formed was unreal.
She cries almost every morning in the shower, as she knows many people are not as fortunate as she is. Hopefully, the bond between the father and daughter will last a lifetime.