Flickr/terren in Virginia
Flickr/terren in Virginia

Bride Bans Poor Dad from Coming to Her Wedding, Sees Him Driving Limo in Expensive Suit — Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Jun 06, 2022
06:00 P.M.

A woman does not invite her poor father to her wedding because she is embarrassed by him. However, when he arrives in a limo dressed to the nines in an expensive suit on her wedding day, she's taught a lesson she could never have imagined in her wildest dreams.


Sandra was embarrassed by her father, Peter, who worked as a janitor at a local park. So when she met her soulmate and decided to marry, she didn't hesitate to leave her poor father off the guest list.

"Dad," she said gently. "I have something to tell you about the wedding..."

"Let me guess, is it the wedding expenses, darling?" he asked worriedly, unaware of Sandra's plans.

He was anxious that because Sandra's fiancé, Harry, hailed from a wealthy family, he would be unable to meet their expectations. Unfortunately, he had no idea what was coming for him…

Peter worked as a park cleaner. | Source: Pexels

Peter worked as a park cleaner. | Source: Pexels

"What's wrong, honey?" Peter asked again when he saw Sandra become abruptly silent. He could now guess she was hiding something.


"Well, dad," she finally said. "I was just thinking that maybe you shouldn't come to the wedding ... You understand what I mean, right?"

"I shouldn't come?" Peter was confused. "Honey, I - I don't understand. What's the problem?"

"See, dad, Harry's parents are from the upper crust," she replied flatly, "and they're throwing the wedding at the most expensive hotel in town. It would just be strange to...you know...walk down the aisle with a janitor. Besides, you know there'd be a lot of people, and if they see me with you, they might just not appreciate Harry's family. They'll think he picked someone from the roadside as his bride."

"You're saying it's weird for me to be there because I'm a cleaner?!" Peter whispered to himself, teary-eyed.

He couldn't believe Sandra was cutting him off from the wedding. But at this point, he didn't want to be disrespected anymore, so all he said was: "You're right, honey. A man who cleans the roadside dirt would only bring shame to Harry's family…You're right. It's best if I don't go."

Peter was deeply hurt by Sandra's decision to ban him from the wedding. | Source: Pexels

Peter was deeply hurt by Sandra's decision to ban him from the wedding. | Source: Pexels


"Uh, well, thanks dad…for understanding," she replied and walked away. She didn't think twice about speaking such terrible words to her father, who had raised her solely after her mother died, putting everything else on the back burner.

You can't plant the seeds of bitterness and expect to grow a plant of love.

Two weeks went by, and Sandra's wedding day finally arrived. Sandra and Harry were about to take their wedding vows on the stage when she observed a limousine parking just outside the wedding venue and her father getting out of it.

"Dad?" she gasped, unable to believe her eyes as she saw him arrive at the wedding in a limo and dressed in an expensive suit. "Dad, you look different ... Very different," she exclaimed, surprised, as he approached her.

Peter grinned. "So, do I now look worthy enough to be a part of my daughter's wedding? I hope I won't get kicked out of the wedding now?" he asked, and Sandra's pretty smile faded. "Oh, Dad, I..." But before she could finish, Harry cut her off.

"Sandra! You said your dad wasn't coming to the wedding because he was sick! What exactly is going on?"

Peter arrived at the venue in a limo. | Source: Flickr/terren in Virginia

Peter arrived at the venue in a limo. | Source: Flickr/terren in Virginia


"Let me explain everything to you and everyone else present here, Harry," Peter said, turning to face everyone as he revealed the whole story.

"So...Because my daughter was embarrassed to tell everyone that her father is a janitor, she asked me not to attend the wedding," he revealed, and a huge gasp rang out in the wedding hall. "I'm not going to lie. I was quite upset, and one day I ended up telling my supervisor everything. I was heading home from work when he asked why I was upset, and I told him.

"It turns out he told his best friend about it so I could attend my daughter's wedding. The best friend gave me this expensive suit, and I came here in a limo because of him! Surprisingly, the man who brought me here is none other than your father, Harry! He is my boss's best friend who made everything possible!"

"Wait a minute. So Sandra refused to let you attend our wedding?" Harry couldn't believe Sandra would do such a thing. "I am deeply sorry, Mr. Miles. I would never even consider doing something like that. And dad," he added, turning to face his father. "I appreciate your regard for Mr. Miles. But I'm not going to let this happen again. GUYS, THE PARTY IS OVER! THE WEDDING IS OFF!"

"What? Wait, Harry, I'm sorry, okay," Sandra pleaded. "I regret what I did. I'll never do that again!"

Sandra got what she deserved. | Source: Pexels

Sandra got what she deserved. | Source: Pexels

"Yes, please, Harry, don't leave her like that. She adores you. I'm sure she now regrets how she behaved with me..."

Peter stood by Sandra despite her ridicule because he loved her, but Harry was adamant about not letting Sandra off the hook.

"With all due respect, Mr. Miles, I'm sorry, but a woman who can't respect her father and looks down on him wouldn't appreciate me either if I wasn't rich. You worked so hard for her, sir, and you should be proud of yourself! A job is a job, and I can't believe Sandra would disregard someone just because they are a janitor ... It's awful! I don't want to be with someone who is so judgemental and prioritizes money before family, so goodbye, Sandra!"


Sandra begged Harry not to cancel the wedding, but he didn't listen to her. He and his parents exited the hall, as did all of the guests, leaving Sandra sobbing. She realized deep down that she had ruined everything for herself by not appreciating her father, and she couldn't do anything to change that.

Meanwhile, after Harry dumped Sandra, he and his family continued to keep in contact with Peter, and Peter has been a close friend of Harry's family ever since.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Love and respect your parents. Sandra disrespected Peter because he was a poor man and cut him off the wedding list. When she realized how wrong she was, it was too late to fix things.
  • You can't plant the seeds of bitterness and expect to grow a plant of love. Sandra forbade her father from attending her wedding, hoping for a happy life. But karma caught up with her and destroyed the happiness she had tried to create by insulting her father.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a bride who doesn't want her disabled dad to walk her down the aisle until she hears his story on TV.

This account is inspired by our reader's story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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