
Older Woman Who Sells Flowers on Street Is Mocked by Rich Man, He Gifts Her a Shop the Next Day — Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Jun 28, 2022
12:40 A.M.

A wealthy mall owner kicked out a poor old woman selling flowers on the street outside his complex. He mocked her, saying she was poor and smelly. But a dangerous encounter moments later made him reconsider his opinion of her.


On a scorching afternoon, Maria, 55, sat on a small stool outside a huge shopping mall. The roses and lilies in her stall remained fresh and glowing under the umbrella's shade.

Maria sat there on a hot afternoon, waiting for customers to buy her bouquets. After retiring from a foster home, Maria harbored a deep love for gardening. The little yard outside her small house boasted a variety of roses and lilies that she often sold.

The woman wasn't doing this for any profit. She only wanted to see the smile on people's faces who bought her bouquets for a fair price, so she expected to meet happy customers that day.

That's when she ran into Mr. Mason Lodge, the mall owner who despised poor people hanging around outside his plaza...

After retiring, Maria sold fresh flowers from her garden. | Source: Pexels

After retiring, Maria sold fresh flowers from her garden. | Source: Pexels


"Hey lady...what do you think you're doing outside my mall?" he fumed at Maria. "Clear this mess right now."

The poor old woman looked at Mason shyly. "I am sorry, sir, but I thought I could easily sell my flowers here since this street is often crowded."

"If I see you messing around my mall again, I'll ask my security to throw you out, is that clear?"

Mason smirked and asked her to leave immediately. "Just look at your dirty clothes...You smell awful, like rotting garbage...You're spoiling the beauty of my mall...Now, get out!"

Maria's eyes filled with tears.

Maria was crushed by Mason's words. | Source: Pexels

Maria was crushed by Mason's words. | Source: Pexels


"Are you deaf, old lady? Get out of here, or I will have my security throw you out!" Mason shouted again.

Poor Maria gathered her flowers in a basket and moved farther away from the mall to a platform. It was scorching hot, and nobody was in plain sight to help her.

"Poor people these days!" Mason groaned. He felt Maria's little flower shop outside his huge mall speckled his pride and prestige.

Mason Lodge hated the sight of poor people outside his mall. | Source: Pexels

Mason Lodge hated the sight of poor people outside his mall. | Source: Pexels

Later that evening, Mason left for home from the mall. When he took a turn and reached the main road, he saw Maria sitting there with all her flowers intact.

He looked at her and smirked. "Poor lady! You could've at least sold some flowers had you stayed outside my mall...My reputation is such!" he boasted.


His words hurt Maria, but she remained calm. "If I see you messing around my mall again, I'll ask my security to throw you out, is that clear?" he warned.

Matilda watched Mason's car reach the end of the street until it suddenly stopped. Then a few men surrounded the car and forced Mason out of the vehicle.

"Gimme your wallet and phone, old man!" Maria heard a gangster say. She listened again and recognized the voice.

A gang of men blocked Mason's car & threatened him. | Source: Pexels

A gang of men blocked Mason's car & threatened him. | Source: Pexels

"Andrew! Stop, and back off right now!" she shouted, approaching the scene. "Leave the poor man alone right now, or I'm calling the cops!"

Maria had worked with Andrew in the foster facility before. He was dismissed from the job due to poor conduct.


"You're a shame to your poor mother! Wait until I tell her about what you do for a living!" Maria fumed. "Why don't you find a decent job instead of robbing people?"

Andrew gathered his gang and fled the spot, leaving Mason stunned by Maria's courage. He was out of words, and the old woman walked away before he could even thank her. Still reeling from the nightmare he just encountered, he decided to deal with it later and immediately left.

The following day, Maria locked her house and was about to leave for the platform to put up her flower shop when a black car pulled over outside.

The next morning, an expensive black car pulled outside Maria's house. | Source: Unsplash

The next morning, an expensive black car pulled outside Maria's house. | Source: Unsplash

"Hey!" Mason waved at her as he hopped out of the car. "How are you doing?"


Maria was stunned. "H-how did you get my address?" she asked him.

Mason got the woman's address from one of his security who once bought flowers from her. Maria had candidly disclosed her address to the guy.

"How may I help you, sir?" Maria said. "Don't worry. I won't ever be selling flowers outside your mall."

Mason was embarrassed when Maria said this. He offered the woman a ride, assuring her she would surely like the little surprise he had for her. Maria reluctantly agreed.

Mason had a surprise planned for Maria. | Source: Pexels

Mason had a surprise planned for Maria. | Source: Pexels

When they arrived at Mason's mall, he asked Maria to follow him inside.

"But, I'm not dressed well, and I would look like a misfit in your expensive building," she said.


Mason just smiled and patted her shoulder. Then he took her to a store and told her it was all hers.

"This is your new flower shop. You are now our mall's new florist!" Mason exclaimed.

Maria was stunned. The store was adorned with hundreds of beautiful flowers from around the country. She was even allowed to sell the flowers from her garden there.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Lodge...but I don't think I can accept such a big offer from you," she said.

Maria was stunned by Mason's surprise but she refused it. | Source: Pexels

Maria was stunned by Mason's surprise but she refused it. | Source: Pexels

It took Maria a lot of convincing, but she finally accepted. As an added token of gratitude, Mason also gifted her a car. He hugged her and immediately left because he feared she would refuse the offer again.


Maria was overwhelmed with joy. It all happened too quickly, and she was delighted. A few days later, Andrew visited her in the shop.

"Hello, Maria! I came to invite you for dinner with my family...I got a new job as a bartender!" he said.

Maria couldn't believe her ears. She was happy that Andrew had mended his ways after what she told him.

In the end, the kind old woman's deed turned into a rewarding experience for her, Mason, and Andrew.

Maria's good deed fetched her a reward & she got her own flower shop as a gift from Mason. | Source: Unsplash

Maria's good deed fetched her a reward & she got her own flower shop as a gift from Mason. | Source: Unsplash

What can we learn from this story?

  • Treat others how you want to be treated. You may never know what role they might play in your life. Mason despised poor people outside his mall. He ousted Maria after seeing her selling flowers there. But later, it could have ended tragically for him if she did not save him from the gangsters who tried to rob him.
  • Learn to respect everyone regardless of how rich or poor they may be. Mason looked down upon Maria because she was poor. He mocked her and disrespected her. But the tables turned when she saved him, and he realized his mistake.

Click here to read about how a poor boy who washed the windows of a luxury car froze dead after seeing his photo on a mall's giant screen the next day.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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