'Addams Family's Jimmy Workman Quit Career & Fought to Protect His Famous Little Sister from 'Unfit' Sibling
Jimmy Workman played Pugsley in the film "Addams Family" (1991).
He left his acting career and started the fight for custody of his sister to save her.
With Halloween just recently passed, "The Addams Family" has undoubtedly been rewatched in many homes worldwide. The cast pulled off a beautiful film and gave a new meaning to a happy family.
However, behind closed doors, some of the actors were experiencing unhappy families. One, in particular, Jimmy Workman, who played Pugsley, had a difficult home life that led him to rethink his career.
Workman ended up playing Pugsley Addams by accident. His sister was attending the audition for the role of Wednesday. Workman accompanied his sister, and when the director saw him playing on the set, he knew he had found his Pugsley.
He then starred in the sequel and had other minor roles. Ultimately, though, he retired from acting shortly after the sequel of the first Addams Family movie came out. He is now more behind the scenes as part of the technical staff.
How Has Workman's Life Changed?
Now that Workman works behind the cameras, his life is quite lowkey, and little is known about his life. That is, little is known about him, but his sister has made a splash in the entertainment industry.

Jimmy Workman attends The Hollywood Show held at Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport on April 16, 2022 in Burbank, California | Source: Getty Images
Ariel Winter, who played Alex Dunphy in "Modern Family," is Workman's sister and also part of the reason for his own family drama. When Winter was 14, her sister tried to get legal custody of the young girl.
Winter alleged that she was physically and emotionally abused by her mother and her sister, Shanelle, wanted to give her a better life. However, Workman believed that Shanelle was also a bad influence and that he should be her legal guardian.
The custody battle continued for years until Winter no longer needed a legal guardian. Winter is now estranged from her mother, as is Workman. Winter has not seen her mother in over five years.
Why Did Jimmy Workman Fight for Custody over His Sister?
Workman did not have confidence in his mother or his sister, Shanelle, to take care of their younger sister, Winter. As soon as Shanelle got custody of Winter, Workman contested the decision, saying he would be a better guardian.

Ariel Winter on Part 1 of the series finale of "Modern Family" on April 8, 2020 | Source: Getty Images
The "The Addams Family" alum said that Shanelle was unfit to care for Winter because of her history of drugs. He also believed that Shanelle mishandled Winter's money and exploited her fame.
Shanelle's lawyer said the claims were not new and would all be handled in court but reassured the press that Shanelle was fit to care for her younger sister. As this was all happening, Winter's mother requested to regain custody, but the request was denied.
Workman further alleged that Shanelle was sexualizing Winter at the tender age of 15 and thought he would do a better job taking care of her until she was old enough to make intelligent decisions.
Winter remained in Shanelle's custody until she no longer needed a legal guardian, but the court battles raged on throughout. None of the children have a good relationship with their mother any longer.