Poor Man Lets Woman Jump Queue at Store, Sees Her Get $100K as Milestone Customer – Story of the Day
Josh was a struggling single father to his paraplegic daughter, Lisa. After a random act of kindness, he loses the opportunity to get his daughter cured and begins to doubt his decision. He later learns that a good deed truly is never lost.
"One… Two… Three!"
Josh counted down as he lifted his 10-year-old paraplegic daughter, Lisa, off her wheelchair and carefully placed her on the bed.
"Gosh, Dad! You're so dramatic. I still don't know why you always do the countdown. I don't even weigh that much," Lisa said with a chuckle.

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"What can I say? It's sort of become our little tradition," Josh said as he gently tucked her into bed, blissfully humming a tune.
"Wow! Someone's in a good mood. I take it today was a great day at work," said Lisa.
"Nope! Not even close. My boss was even more difficult than usual. I swear I was so close to wringing his neck today. But spending time with my baby girl always cheers me up," Josh exclaimed.
"You're our hundredth buyer today! Our milestone customer! That means you get to take the hundred thousand dollar grand prize for our new promotion!"
"As flattering as that sounds, you shouldn't let people get to you like that, Dad. Remember what I always tell you. Be good to people and..." Lisa started as Josh chimed in along with her, completing the sentence.
"... and good will come back to you," Josh said, rolling his eyes. "My child. So wise! Unfortunately, sometimes that's easier said than done," Josh exclaimed.
"Yeah, well... That's the truth of life. We all have to try. Plus, you have one of the best hearts I know. So if it's hard for you, I can only imagine how hard it must be for others," Lisa said with a warm smile.
"Ha-ha-ha! Look who's flattering who now?" Josh exclaimed with a chuckle. "Goodnight, my dear. I love you," Josh said, kissing Lisa on the forehead.

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"I love you too, Dad," Lisa replied as her father hit the light switch and exited.
Since Josh's wife walked out on him and their daughter five years ago, Josh struggled to raise Lisa on his own. Things became substantially more difficult after Lisa got sick and lost her ability to walk.
While her ailment was curable, Josh simply couldn't afford the operations and rehabilitation costs she needed for treatment. Her condition also required hands-on care, so he worked part-time to look after her.
Josh was lucky enough to receive aid from his neighbors during his day shift, but caring for Lisa was a full-time job on its own. However, his daughter meant the world to Josh, and he did everything in his power to ensure she was looked after.
One day, Josh went to the local pharmacy after work to get Lisa her medication as usual. However, when he got there, he found an unusually long queue. There weren't normally that many people at the pharmacy. That's one of the reasons he loved it. Its convenience.
After about thirty minutes of waiting in the queue, Josh was finally the next in line at the counter. Suddenly, a young woman in high heels rushed into the store and huddled in front of Josh. The people in the queue instantly burst into an uproar.

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"Get to the back of the line, missy!" one customer said.
"Who does she think she is?!" another added.
"I'm so sorry, sir. Please, I just need one second. I won't be long," the woman whispered to Josh as the angry crowd continued to murmur and chastise her behind him.
As Josh looked into the woman's eyes, he saw a sense of desperation. He looked back at the angry crowd and then at the desperate woman before him. His daughter's words suddenly rang in his head:
"Be good to people, and good will come back to you."
"It's okay. Two minutes won't change my life," Josh said softly, ushering the woman towards the counter.
"Thank you so much, sir!" the woman said as the customers in the queue began to complain even louder.
"Relax! We'll all get a turn to buy," Josh said confidently to the crowd behind him.
The woman ignored the crowd and bought the pills she had come for. As the woman made her card payment, an alarm suddenly went off, and a handful of confetti sprung out from a small box above the counter. The pharmacist and other staff suddenly started clapping.
"What's going on?" the woman asked, confused.

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"Congratulations, ma'am! You're our hundredth buyer today! Our milestone customer! That means you get to take the hundred thousand dollar grand prize for our new promotion!" the pharmacist explained with a large smile.
"What?" the woman asked in sheer disbelief. She struggled to hold back her tears of joy as the pharmacist handed her a check for $100K. The disappointed crowds in the queue slowly started to leave, obviously having been there hoping to win the prize themselves.
Josh could not believe what he was hearing. "Two minutes won't change my life," he whispered under his breath as he came to realize that, in this case, two minutes might have done exactly that.
Josh couldn't keep silent. This was his chance! This was the big break he and Lisa had been praying for.
"Hey, miss. I know this is asking for a lot, but my daughter is really ill. I'm actually here picking up her meds. Please could you return the small kindness I showed you by sparing me a little of your win?" Josh pleaded.
"I'm sorry, sir. I can't," the woman said nervously.
"Please! I swear I'm not lying. This is her," Josh said, pulling out a picture of him and Lisa in her wheelchair on his phone.
"I'm sorry," the woman insisted reluctantly.

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"Please, ma'am. Technically, I was the hundredth customer," a desperate Josh told the pharmacist. The remaining people in the queue started to squabble in defense of Josh.
"Yeah, give it to the man!" one customer said.
"She skipped the line! It's not fair!" another added.
"I'm sorry, sir. But it was her purchase that activated the win. It's her choice," the pharmacist explained to Josh while simultaneously signaling the crowd to calm down with his hand.
"You see, I desperately needed the money you helped me win."
"Please!" Josh begged with a desperate glare.
"I really am sorry, sir. But I need this money," the woman concluded, rushing out with the check.
Josh's heart was crushed. His one chance to solve all his problems had just vanished before his eyes, and he was utterly helpless.

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As a downhearted Josh walked home later that day, his daughter's words continued to haunt him. Be good to people, and good will come back to you. What a joke! Josh thought. He tried doing the right thing, and it backfired on him instantaneously.
Later that evening, as he was tucking Lisa in, he replayed the day's events. Sensing her father's sorrow, Lisa finally decided to ask what was happening.
"Dad, what's wrong? You aren't humming today. Is it your boss again?" she asked, fiddling with her teddy bear.
"I messed up, Lisa," Josh said, welling up. "Today, I had the chance to get us the money we need for your operations, treatments... Everything! And I completely blew it!"
"What do you mean?" Lisa asked, confused. In tears, Josh went on to explain everything that had happened at the pharmacy.
"I'm so sorry," Josh concluded.
"Sorry? Don't be sorry, Dad. What you did was very kind, and I believe that one day, you will be rewarded for it. Those are the hidden secrets and treasures of life. I'm just happy we're together," Lisa said, hugging her father.

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"Oh, my sweet, sweet Lisa! I love you so much," Josh said, kissing her forehead.
"I know, Dad. I love you too!" Lisa said with the warmest smile.
A month later, Josh went to the same pharmacy as usual and was surprised to find the same woman sitting in the small waiting area. He ignored her and started going through the shelves looking for medication. She immediately got up and approached Josh.
"Hi, I'm Emily. I'm not sure if you remember me," she said, holding her hand out for a handshake.
"Yes... I remember you very well. I'm Josh," Josh said, shaking her hand with slight hesitation. "How can I help you?" Josh said, slightly annoyed.
"You already have, Josh. I'm just here hoping I could return the favor," Emily explained.
"What do you mean?" Josh asked, confused.
"You see, I desperately needed the money you helped me win. My father's company was in ruins, and the stress was even affecting his health. I was in the pharmacy that day getting him meds," Emily explained.
"Oh... Sorry to hear that. I hope he is better," Josh said more sincerely, lowering his guard as he continued to look through the shelves.

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"His doing great, actually. And so is the company. I was able to take that money and invest it. The investment provided quick and fruitful returns, and we were able to get the company and my father back on their feet in no time," Emily explained.
"That's great, Emily. I'm happy for you. I really am. What I'm struggling to understand is what any of this has to do with me," Josh exclaimed, growing impatient.
"Well, I'm here to offer you your share of the money," she said.
"What?" Josh asked in utter disbelief.
"Yeah. It was unfair of me to run off with all the money like that. But, by God's grace, it all worked out. I just want to make sure I give you what's rightfully yours," Emily said with a kind smile.
As he looked at Emily's smile, he recalled his daughter's kind smile and her words to him; "Be good to people, and good will come back to you."
"Really? Uhm... Wow, that's so kind of you!" Josh said, lost for words.
"As I said, I'm only returning your kindness," Emily paused momentarily, gathering her words. "Josh... Do you think I could meet her? Your daughter?"

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"You want to meet Lisa?" he asked, confused.
"Yes, please. I'm quite fond of kids," Emily said.
"Alright, no problem," Josh replied.
They shared their life stories as Josh and Emily walked to his house from the pharmacy. Josh told Emily about his struggles of raising his amazing child on his own, while Emily explained her trials with helping her father run his company.
She had initially dreamed of marriage, the home with the white picket fence, and a soccer team of children to go with it. However, her father insisted that she help with the business.
She eventually got so caught up in running the company that her dreams faded into the background. That was partially the reason she wanted to meet Lisa. Aside from helping them, she simply wanted to be around the little girl. Maybe it would reignite some of those long-lost dreams.
Josh was intrigued by Emily. In the little time they had spent walking to his place, his view of her had completely changed. She had suddenly transfigured from the impatient woman at the pharmacy to this compassionate, intelligent individual Josh couldn't help but take a liking to.

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When they got to Josh's small two-bedroom house, Emily couldn't help but feel sorry for the pair. Their home was in terrible condition. It was small and crowded, even for just the two of them.
Lisa was overjoyed to meet Emily. They shared a cheerful dinner where Emily constantly reminded her father how she was right about the treasures and secrets of life. Emily was completely taken aback by the little girl's wisdom and charm, especially considering her condition.
Emily learned all about Lisa's condition and promised to help them. The very next day, she had already organized the best doctors to attend to Lisa and paid for her treatment as well as a sort of rehabilitation retreat for Lisa and Josh.
"Wait... like a vacation?" Josh asked as Emily informed him about the retreat.
"Not exactly," Emily said, laughing. "It's a retreat. But yes, it could be quite the vacation for you two. The place is beautiful. I sort of wish I could go myself," Emily said.
"Well, why don't you? You could join us. I mean... That is if the money allows," Josh suggested nervously.
"Uhm... I mean, yeah... I guess I could. But I wouldn't want to infringe," Emily replied.
"Infringe? Nah! Lisa would love to have you there! She couldn't stop talking about you after last night. Plus, this way, you can check on her progress," Josh said.

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"And what about you?" Emily asked softly.
"Me? What about me?" Josh asked, slightly confused.
"Would you love to have me around?" Emily asked.
"Uhm... Me? Well... Yeah. I mean, yes! I'd definitely love to have you there," Josh replied nervously.
"Alright, then. I guess I'll see you both at the airport," Emily confirmed.
"Yeah. Guess I'll see you there," Josh said, blushing.
My office is nearby. Plus, 2 minutes won't change my life...right?"
The three went on the retreat the next day. Josh was excited to finally get some time off work. This was his first 'vacation' in a long time. He had worked tirelessly and hadn't taken time off since Lisa got sick.
The retreat was amazing! Lisa's recovery was rapid, and she spent most of her time on the beach in family activities with Josh and Emily. She also noticed the chemistry between her father and Emily. It was the first time she'd seen him so happy. The pair became closer with each passing day, taking long strolls on the beach together every day and talking for hours on end. Lisa couldn't be happier for her father. He seemed to have found a joy that even she couldn't provide him.

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Unfortunately, the retreat eventually came to an end, and they all had to leave their momentary paradise and return to their everyday lives. They said their goodbyes and parted ways. Josh was sad to see Emily leave, but he was grateful to see his daughter's progress. He couldn't ask for anymore.
He had hoped they could spend some time together when they got home, but Emily was simply too busy with work that she had no time for him and Emily.
A few weeks after the retreat, Lisa was walking again. She and her father started taking walks together at a nearby park, where they would get ice cream afterward. Lisa felt bad for her father. She could see he was happy she was healed, but he hadn't been the same since Emily left.
One day, as they were taking one of their walks in the park, they came across Emily sitting on the bench they would normally have their ice cream.
"Emily? What are you doing here?" a surprised Josh asked, struggling to conceal his joy at her sudden appearance.
"Lisa called me," she said as Josh and Emily looked at the little girl in confusion.

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Lisa simply smiled with a shrug, saying, "I was hoping you could join us for ice cream today."
"Lisa... You can't just pull people out of work because you want ice cream," Josh scolded Lisa before turning to Emily. "Emily's a very busy woman," he continued, slightly saddened by his words.
"Oh, no... I could do with some ice cream. My office is nearby. Plus, 2 minutes won't change my life...right?" Emily said with a hopeful smile.
"Right," Josh responded with an equally buoyant grin.
"Yeah, we could even push for 30 minutes. Who knows?" Emily added.
"So, can we get ice cream now?" Lisa asked dramatically, rolling her eyes. Josh and Emily laughed, defeated by the young girl's theatrics.
"Sure," Josh said. The three of them walked off toward the ice cream stand with Lisa holding both their hands.

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From that day on, whenever Josh and Lisa went to the park, Emily would sneak away from work to join them. Josh and Emily eventually started dating.
Once Lisa was fully healed, Josh was able to get a full-time job and better support his family with the addition of Emily. She soon left her father's company to focus on her new family. Josh and Emily eventually got engaged, and Emily finally got her wish: They were one big happy family!
What can we learn from this story?
- Good deeds always return with good rewards. Josh was rewarded for his kindness in the pharmacy. Likewise, so was Emily, as she finally got the family she had always longed for.
- Do not grow weary of doing good to others, even when there's no immediate reward. Josh had begun to regret his act of kindness in the pharmacy, although he later learned it was not in vain.
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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.