Man Has Lunch With Homeless Woman Every Week Until One Day She Tells Him Her Shame
- An Orlando resident encountered a homeless woman daily and decided to start a friendship with her.
- The unlikely duo ate lunch together every Tuesday and spoke about their lives.
- One day, the woman revealed something that brought her a lot of shame. The man did everything he could to change the woman's life.
Greg Smith passed the same homeless woman daily while traveling to work in Orlando, Florida. Something about the woman struck him, and he knew there was something special about her.
Smith grew accustomed to hearing homeless people asking for money whenever he passed them, but the woman never did. Instead, she'd tell him to have a nice day.
"She never failed to put a smile on my face and I ended up having a better day because of her cheerful greeting from the morning," Smith once shared.
As a personal trainer and businessman, he often traveled around town to different offices. One day, his meeting got canceled, which gave him time to invite the woman to lunch.
Smith finally knew the woman by name – she was Amy Joe, then in her late 40s. Joe was initially hesitant to accept his invitation, but she wasn't in the position to reject a meal.
They ate sandwiches for lunch that day while getting to know one another. They continued the tradition every Tuesday.
Smith and Joe would spend time together for thirty minutes to an hour each Tuesday. He's inspired by the woman's ability to stay positive despite her circumstances.
Joe was originally from England before she migrated to the US. She loves nature, particularly the water and being around birds.
During their third lunch together, Smith discovered Joe had one wish that hadn't come true: she wanted to learn how to read. She used the spare change she'd collected to rent books to learn how to read and find a job.
Smith couldn't understand how Joe went through most of her life without learning to read. "She would rather learn to read to maybe find a job than eat," he explained.
The personal trainer said he'd help make her dream come true without hesitation. She couldn't stop smiling after finding out.
As if it were a twist of faith, Smith realized he had a copy of "Beyond Belief" by Josh Hamilton in his car. It was a book about finding strength during the most testing times.
He started the "Amy Joe Foundation" to raise money for Amy Joe and those with similar situations.
He jumpstarted Joe's lessons through that book. He thought it was a promising sign that their lessons wouldn't go to waste.
Smith clarified that Joe wasn't entirely illiterate. Instead, she struggled with comprehension and didn't understand what sentences meant when read altogether.
Aside from teaching her how to read, Smith went the extra mile by starting a fundraiser for Joe to get off the streets. The fundraiser raised a little over $10,000.
Smith also booked his new friend a hotel room for a couple of days and sought help so she had a more permanent home to stay in. As donations poured in, Smith helped Joe get a legal ID so she could get permanent residency.
He started the "Amy Joe Foundation" to raise money for Amy Joe and those with similar situations. More than teaching people how to read, he wants to provide them with their basic needs to boost their morale.
Ultimately, the kind man never wanted any recognition for himself. All he wanted was to change Amy Joe's life, knowing he was in a position to help.
"Who is your Amy Joe?" he asked online. He wanted to inspire others to help whenever possible and spark a movement to improve other people's lives.
In a similar story, a poor janitor shared his lunch with a homeless boy, only to move into a huge mansion with him later on. Click here to read the story.