Restaurant Owner Mistreats Female Staff, They Fight Him Back – Story of the Day
Jean joined a new restaurant as a server to cover her college expenses, but her first encounter with Mr. McCoy, the restaurant owner, made her rethink her decision. "Should I quit?" She wondered. "Or should I teach this man a lesson he will remember for the rest of his life?"
"Here's your order, sir!" Jean said as she carefully placed a mug of freshly brewed coffee on the wooden table. "Please enjoy your meal and let me know if you need anything else," she said and smiled as the restaurant manager, Mr. Donner, had told her to do during her training a day earlier.
It was Jean's first day at work, and she looked forward to her new part-time job. She studied at college during the day and worked at a restaurant to save money for her college fees. Juggling between studies and work miles away from home was more challenging than the young girl thought. She still hadn't adjusted to her new life.

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It was a busy Friday evening when footfall at the restaurant suddenly increased. While serving the customers, Mr. Donner asked Jean to cater to the man sitting in the extreme left corner of the busy restaurant.
"Hurry up! He's been waiting for five minutes!" Mr. Donner said.
Standing near the bar counter, Jean looked towards the man sitting in the corner. He had grey hair, a long face, and a sharp, cunning smile. His eyes shifted from his phone screen to Jean's bare skin showing below her skirt as she walked towards him.
"Hi, sir! What would you like to order today?" Jean asked as the man's eyes scanned her from head to toe.
"Hello, beautiful!" the man's lustful eyes locked on Jean's face before wandering towards her crisp white shirt.

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"What would you like to order today?" Jean repeated her question, her voice tinged with discomfort.
"A cup of black coffee, please," the man smiled.
Jean rolled her eyes and walked towards the counter.
"What a crazy man!" she mumbled under her breath before informing the kitchen about the orders she had just noted.
A few minutes later, she returned to the same man, who seemed to be in his late fifties. "I'll just keep this coffee on his table and ask Mr. Donner to assign me another table. I can't deal with him!" she thought to herself.
"Here's your coffee, sir!" Jean gently placed the cup on his table as a fake smile spread across her face. "Would you like anything else?"

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"Yeah. You," the man replied as his mouth pursed into a smirk.
"What?" Jean's eyes widened in shock.
"What?" the man pretended he didn't see what the fuss was about.
"What did you just say?" Jean's eyebrows furrowed.

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"Nothing," the man shook his head as he smiled.
"You said 'you,'" Jean looked into his eyes angrily.
"I didn't say that, Jean," the man said as he squinted his eyes to read the nametag on her shirt.
"It seemed like you said that," she replied.
"I'll let you know if I need anything," the man nodded.

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Jean took a deep breath and turned around to leave. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest after the man misbehaved with her. It was her first day at work, and this was something she wasn't expecting would happen.
Jean had only taken a few steps from the man's table when she heard a spoon fall on the ground. The sound of the metal striking the restaurant's tiled floor caught everyone's attention. She noticed everyone was looking behind her. The man had dropped his spoon.
"Oops," he said in a low voice as Jean turned around and walked towards him.
"I mistakenly dropped my spoon," the man lied to her. "Would you mind picking it up for me?"

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He looked at the spoon on the ground while Jean wondered if he had really dropped it accidentally. She knew something was wrong, but she could do nothing at that point except pick that spoon up for him.
Jean faked a smile, turned around, and knelt to look for the spoon. Her back faced the man as she extended her arm to grab the spoon from under the chair. Meanwhile, the man's lustful eyes locked on Jean's fitted, black skirt. He didn't take his eyes off her before she turned around.

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With the spoon in her hand, Jean stood up, hoping the man would let her go. "I'll bring you another spoon, sir," she said.
"Why don't you clear my table first? I think I've spilled some coffee," he lied confidently.
"Sure, sir," Jean extended her hand to pick up the coffee cup from his table. Before she could leave, the man held her and pulled her towards himself.

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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She yelled at him. Meanwhile, the man laughed like he had done nothing wrong.
"I'm sure you loved it!" he smirked and winked at Jean, who was shaking with anger. She had no idea the man would do something like this.
"I'm going to call security!" Jean screamed while looking at the restaurant entrance.
She was about to call security when Mr. Donner rushed towards her.

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"Why are we being so loud here?" he asked. "What's the matter, Jean?"
"Mr. Donner, this man…" Jean rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "This man was hitting on me, sir!"
Mr. Donner's eyes shifted from Jean to the man, and his lips spread into a smile. "Oh, come on, Jean," he said. "What's the big deal? It's okay!"
Jean looked at the man who was smiling at her now. She couldn't understand why the manager was taking his side when he was at fault.

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"Is that the reason you're yelling here now?" Mr. Donner asked her.
"What do you mean, sir?" Jean looked at the manager with raised eyebrows. "Yes of course!"
"You are so lucky that a fine man like Mr. McCoy has given you any attention at all!" Mr. Donner explained as he apologetically smiled while looking at the man.
"What?" Jean whispered under her breath, still wondering what was wrong with the manager.
"Look, Mr. McCoy," the manager turned towards the man. "I'm really sorry for what happened. This girl, Jean, she's new here. She doesn't know much about the rules since it's her first day today. I'm sorry."

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"Mr. Donner, you're the manager here," Mr. McCoy cleared his throat and straightened his back. "Tell your staff how to behave in this restaurant. Teach them some manners! They should know they aren't supposed to raise their voices in front of me!"
"No, sir," the manager said, his voice tinged with embarrassment. "You're right. This won't happen again, I promise!"
"Yeah, this shouldn't happen again," the man shook his head as he looked at Jean from head to toe.
"Let me get you another waitress, sir," Mr. Donner said before turning around. "Hey Lizzie! Come here!"

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Jean watched her coworker, Lizzie, walk towards the table, wondering why the manager wasn't accepting Mr. McCoy's fault. The manager instructed Lizzie to take care of Mr. McCoy's order while he took Jean aside to talk to her.
"What do you think you are doing?" Mr. Donner asked Jean.
"Mr. Donner, this man harassed me!" Jean replied angrily. "He harassed me!"
"Do you know who that man is, Jean?"
The young waitress shook her head. She wasn't sure where the conversation was headed.
"He's Mr. McCoy!" Mr. Donner revealed. "The owner of this restaurant!"

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"The owner of what?" Jean was shocked.
"The owner of this restaurant, Jean. The place you're standing in," he replied. "He pays you, me, and everyone who works here! Mr. McCoy is our boss. He determines who stays here and who gets fired. He comes in every day to see how we're performing."
"His mood determines if we stay here or lose our jobs!' the manager said while looking into Jean's eyes. "I want you to do your job. Just smile and do whatever he says, alright? You can't afford to piss him off again. You understand?"
"But that's unfair, sir!" Jean explained with her eyes wide open, trying her best to make the manager understand her situation.
"No buts! You do what I say!" Mr. Donner said firmly. "I'm your boss, and he's my boss. Know your place and get back to work. Now!!"

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Jean sighed, wondering if she had done the right thing by deciding to work here. She knew she didn't have a lot of choices, and making money was the only reason she was working while managing her studies. She knew she couldn't let this job go. She had to make things work.
Once the manager left, Jean looked toward Mr. McCoy's table. She saw Lizzie letting him hold her hand and sit close to her. She kept smiling as he talked to her, making him feel comfortable.
Jean arrived at the bar counter an hour later with a customer's bill. Over there, she saw Lizzie and another coworker, Betty, and decided to talk about what happened earlier that day.

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"What was that?" she asked Lizzie angrily.
"What do you mean?" Lizzie responded.
"What that harasser is doing in this restaurant!" Jean was frustrated. She couldn't believe that no one was questioning that man's behavior.
"Oh, you mean Mr. McCoy?" Lizzie asked. "Don't bother thinking about that. What he does is a normal thing here. So just smile and accept it, Jean."

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"What?" Jean squinted her eyes. "Have you girls tried complaining to anyone?"
"Oh, please!" Betty rolled her eyes. "Do you think people are going to believe us? It's Mr. McCoy we're talking about. He's an influential person. A very powerful man. And what are we? Just some ordinary waitresses? No one's going to believe us, Jean. Please forget it."
"She's right," Lizzie added. "Plus, if we tell anyone about it, we won't get another job in this town again. How are we going to live then?"
"Well, why don't we just leave this job?" Jean asked.

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"Really? Why don't you leave it?" Lizzie asked.
"I'm new here, so I can't do that yet. I must hold onto this job for a while," Jean replied.
"Darling, everyone has their own reasons," Betty said. "I can't leave this job because I have a daughter, and I'm the only person she has. If I raise my voice against Mr. McCoy, I won't have money to feed my daughter. If I leave, finding a job like this wouldn't be easy."

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"I agree with Betty," Lizzie said. "We can't do anything except put on a smile and work through it. Plus, Mr. McCoy is a big fan of college girls. He's the only one in town who hires girls like us and pays them well."
Jean understood why her coworkers were so helpless in front of Mr. McCoy. She finally realized why no one said anything when the man harassed young female servers like her.
"Stop chatting, you girls, and get back to work!" the manager interrupted. "Table 3 and Table 6, come on!"
"Yes, sir," Lizzie replied as she picked up the hot meals from the kitchen window and prepared to serve them to the customers.

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"Don't get us wrong, Jean," Betty whispered. "We'd love to do something to stop this, but the truth is there's nothing we can do."
"Yeah, I understand," Jean nodded. Deep down, she knew she had to do something to end Mr. McCoy's unacceptable behavior. She couldn't let him harass young girls like this.
The following day, Jean arrived at her workplace as usual. She was halfway through her shift when the manager called the female staff for a uniform check. He wanted everyone to dress well, mainly because Mr. McCoy had a business meeting in the restaurant that night.
"Betty, you look like a nun! Open the first button of your shirt, please!" he said. "And Lizzie, what kind of shoes are you wearing? You know you're supposed to wear heels, don't you?"

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"Sir, I had to walk around a lot today, so I thought wearing shoes would be comfortable," Lizzie replied.
"The customers don't care about your blisters! Get rid of these shoes now!" he said before moving towards Jean.
"I wanted to speak to you, Jean," he said. "I don't know what you did yesterday, but Mr. McCoy really liked you. He requested you to be the server tonight for his meeting. Don't mess it up, okay?"
Jean rolled her eyes as thinking of seeing Mr. McCoy's face disgusted her. She didn't want to be near him after what he did yesterday.
"Sure," she replied.
"That's great!" the manager said before leaving.

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An hour later, Jean entered the private booth on the far-right side of the restaurant. It was a small section of the place separated from the rest of the restaurant to maintain privacy. Mr. McCoy often held meetings with his business partner in that place.
This time, he had invited a man, Luke, who was almost his age. They were talking when Jean interrupted by handing them the menu cards. "Hello," she greeted the other man with a smile.
"Geez," Mr. McCoy smiled. "It's so good to see you!"
He held her hand and gently kissed it before introducing her to his business partner. "This is Jean, my new employee," Mr. McCoy said as he looked at her with a sly grin.

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"Nice to meet you," Luke raised his head, smiled at Jean, and continued reading the menu.
"Likewise, sir," Jean said. "Just call me whenever you're ready. I'm close by."
The young waitress was leaving when Mr. McCoy asked her to stay.
"As the owner of this restaurant, I know you're going to love this dish," he told Luke. "Two Chef Specials, please."
"Two Chef Specials. Okay," she noted the order in the notepad.

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To distract his business partner, Mr. McCoy asked if he had checked the email he had sent him earlier. When Luke picked up his phone from the table and began looking for the email, Mr. McCoy quickly grabbed a tissue paper and scribbled something on it while Jean picked the menu cards from the table.
As she turned around, Mr. McCoy tucked the tissue paper inside the back of her skirt. Feeling his hand touching her clothes made her want to turn around and yell at him, but she could only smile and pretend that nothing happened. She walked out while clenching her fists as blood rushed through her body.

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Jean placed the menu cards on the counter and told Lizzie and Betty what just happened. "He touched me again!" she complained, trying to keep her voice low to ensure none of the customers heard her.
"Come on, girl, forget it," Lizzie said. "It's not like anything happened."
Just then, Jean took out the folded tissue paper from the back of her skirt. Her coworkers looked at it with raised eyebrows while she unfolded it. "What's that?" Lizzie asked.
"Hotel Venus. 22:00. Be in uniform!" Jean read what was written on the tissue paper.

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Jean felt ashamed in front of her colleagues after learning that the restaurant owner wanted to meet her in a hotel room that night. She couldn't believe he could stoop so low.
"Oh, girl," Lizzie placed her hand on Jean's shoulder. "Welcome to the club! Congrats."
"What do you mean?" Jean was shocked upon hearing her coworker's response. "I won't do this, okay? This is crazy! This is unacceptable!"
"Shh, Jean!" Lizzie held her arm while looking around to ensure none of the customers heard Jean. "You don't have a choice, okay?"
"Exactly!" Betty added. "Either you let him do whatever he wants, or you don't work here!"

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Jean wasn't impressed by what her coworkers just said, but a part of her knew they were right. She knew raising her voice against Mr. McCoy wasn't an option for her. She had to listen to him. She had to meet him at the hotel.
Thinking about what would happen in the hotel room sent a shiver down her spine. She couldn't tolerate being near Mr. McCoy at the restaurant, and being with him alone in a hotel room was out of the question.
"I can't do this!" she held her head in her hands, resting her elbows on the counter. "This is not what I signed up for!"
"You don't have an option, darling," Lizzie patted her back. "You'll have to do what he says."

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Later that night, Jean went home and prepared to meet Mr. McCoy at the hotel. She changed into a button-down shirt and a pair of jeans, even though Mr. McCoy had instructed her to wear her uniform.
"I'll teach him a lesson tonight!" she mumbled as she slid her uniform inside her bag. The young waitress planned to expose him that night, but she had no idea if her plan wouldn't work.
A few minutes later, she entered Hotel Venus and walked up the stairs to Mr. McCoy's room. She could feel her heart beat faster with each step towards the room.
Upon knocking on the door, Jean realized it was already open. She pushed it open and saw Mr. McCoy lying in a white bathrobe on the bed. Watching his bare hairy legs on the clean white sheets made the young woman feel disgusted, but she met him with a smile. She knew this was an excellent chance to expose the man's ill intentions.

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"Hi, sir!" she smiled.
"You're late, Jean," he grumbled while getting up from the bed. "I don't like it when my employees are late. Especially not when I tell them to come here."
Jean watched him as he slowly walked towards her, his hand on the knot in front of his bathrobe. "Wait, please," she said. "Let me first change into my uniform. You wanted me to wear my uniform, right?"
She quickly picked up her bag from the chair beside her, unaware that her video camera had slid out. Jean unknowingly left the camera on the chair and rushed into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and took a deep breath before sliding her hand into her bag to take out the camera.
"Where is it? Where is it?" she whispered as her hand searched for the camera in her bag.

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She emptied her bag on the marble counter and was shocked not to find the camera there. "Oh no!" she gasped.
"I think you forgot something outside," Mr. McCoy said as he walked into the bathroom with the camera. "Is this what you're looking for?"
Jean's face turned pale upon seeing Mr. McCoy. "I… I was…" she stammered.
"You came here to film videos? Are you out of your mind?" the man yelled in the bathroom before smashing the camera on the floor.

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He instantly charged towards Jean with his hands ready to hold her. Meanwhile, Jean was prepared for her next move. She immediately got hold of the pepper spray bottle and sprayed it with all her might, blinding Mr. McCoy.
He groaned in pain, rubbing his eyes while Jean quickly packed her bag and ran towards the exit. She twisted the doorknob multiple times, but it didn't open.
Before she could unlock it, Mr. McCoy pulled her back and stood in front of the door. "Where do you think you're going, huh?" he shouted. "Go back there! Get on the bed, now!"
He pushed Jean on the bed, and when she tried to escape, he held her leg and refused to leave her. Trying her best to get away from Mr. McCoy, Jean pushed him and threw the blanket at his face. "Come back here, you ill-mannered woman!" he shouted at Jean while trying to get the blanket off him.
Before he could remove the blanket, Jean unlocked the door and rushed downstairs. Luckily, Mr. McCoy did not follow her because he saw one of the hotel staff members in the lobby and didn't want to ruin his image. He knew he could get in trouble if people learned his true intentions.

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Meanwhile, Jean ran outside the hotel and quickly got into the first taxi she saw on the road. She was struggling to breathe while her heart raced inside her chest. "I'll have to try again. I can't let this man get away with what he's doing," she thought.
Upon reaching home, Jean quickly stepped inside her bathroom and showered. She felt disgusted thinking about how close Mr. McCoy had been standing to her when she entered his room.
After changing into a clean pair of shorts, Jean thought of another plan to expose the restaurant owner. She wanted to teach him a lesson. She wanted him to pay for his actions.
Jean went to the restaurant after college the following day, hoping she wouldn't see Mr. McCoy there. One part of her heart said the man might fire her, while the other said he wouldn't because that would risk his reputation. He knew Jean wasn't one of those women who would stay quiet.
She expected Lizzie to be there when she reached the counter, but she wasn't. After looking around, Jean realized Lizzie hadn't arrived at the restaurant yet. "Where is she?" Jean wondered. "Lizzie is never late. She always arrives on time."
A few minutes later, Jean bumped into Lizzie. "Where were you, Lizzie?" Jean asked.

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"What do you think of yourself, Jean?" Lizzie's eyebrows furrowed.
"What happened? What did I do?" Jean was confused.
"You know what you did last night!" Tears started to trickle down Lizzie's cheeks. "Why can't you just be like us? Why didn't you do what he said? Why did you run away from him last night?"
"What? I mean, how do you know all this?" Jean asked as she placed her hand on Lizzie's shoulder. "But first, I want to know why are you crying. Are you okay?"
"You wouldn't have left the hotel room if you cared about me!" Lizzie rolled her eyes. "What do you think you're special or something? You have to be like us if you want to work here!"

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Jean couldn't understand why her coworker was so angry at her. She didn't know how Lizzie knew everything that happened last night. She thought she did the right thing by running out of the hotel room, but Lizzie made her feel like she had done something wrong.
"He came to me last night, Jean!" Lizzie finally spoke up. "And…"
"Hey, girls!" Mr. Donner interrupted their conversation. "Two days from now, Mr. McCoy has the last meeting with his investor. If the meeting goes well, it could mean big money for all of us!"

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"I want all of you to be on your best behavior on that night, understand?" he said firmly before turning towards Betty. "If you misbehave, you'll lose your job, Betty! You won't be able to feed your daughter. You won't have money to buy food, and Mr. McCoy will make sure no one hires you again!"
Betty nodded her head with her eyes glued to the floor. "And you two," Mr. Donner pointed towards Jean and Lizzie, "I'll make sure you both get kicked out of your university if you try to act smart! Especially you, Jean! I don't want any complaints from Mr. McCoy or his guest! You get that?"
"Yes," Jean took a deep breath and nodded despite wanting to disagree with the manager. She wanted to tell everyone about Mr. McCoy's evil side but was waiting for the right time to expose him.

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"I'm glad you've understood how things work here," Mr. Donner smiled. "Now, what are all of you standing here for? Come on, we've got a lot of work to do. Hurry up!"
Jean wanted to speak to Lizzie, but the manager's orders didn't allow her. She followed him into the kitchen, where he assigned the servers their duties. "You'll be the main server on that day, Jean. Mr. McCoy wants you to be there like last time."
"Okay, sir," Jean nodded while thinking of a plan to expose the restaurant owner. After seeing what he did the previous night, she was determined to teach him a lesson. She wanted the world to see what Mr. McCoy was up to.
"Lizzie and Betty, you'll help Jean serve the food, okay?" Mr. Donner asked the two women.

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"Yes, sir," they nodded together.
"Perfect!" Mr. Donner replied. "Now, let's start working."
During the rest of her shift, Jean approached Lizzie and tried to make her feel better. "I'm sorry about what happened last night, Lizzie. I had no idea that man would come to you," Jean said in a low voice. "Please don't be mad at me. I promise I will get all of us out of this situation."
"What will you do, huh?" Lizzie rolled her eyes. "It's high time you accept that we are stuck here, Jean. There's nothing you can do to get out of this mess."
"I'll expose him, Lizzie," Jean said. "I'll expose him and ensure people don't respect him."

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"Don't even think about that," Lizzie warned.
"Why?" Jean raised one eyebrow while her eyes widened. "What's the worst that would happen? No one's going to believe me? I'm okay with that."
"He's going to destroy your career. You know that," Lizzie said.
Then, Jean told Lizzie about the plan she had in her mind. Lizzie thought it was nice but feared what might happen if it didn't work.
"Trust me, Lizzie," Jean assured her. "I'll make it work. I won't give up!"
Two days later, the investor, Luke, walked into the restaurant with Mr. McCoy. Jean instantly recognized the man since she met him the last time he came here. As the men walked towards the private room, the manager's words echoed in Jean's head.

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"Today is the last meeting," she thought. "Yeah, I'll make sure this is their last meeting! And I'll make sure it goes as per my plan!"
"Hey, Jean! What are you thinking?" the manager interrupted her thoughts. "Come on, get to work! Greet the investor after five minutes, and don't forget to take the menu cards with you!"
"I'll be there on time, sir. Don't worry," Jean replied.
A few minutes later, she confidently entered the meeting room where Mr. McCoy was present with Luke. "Well, we have the entire kitchen redone, and we got the top-of-the-line appliances and fittings," Mr. McCoy explained to Luke as Jean walked in.
"Hello, sir!" she greeted Luke while handing him the menu card.

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"Thank you," Luke replied.
"Here's one for you, sir," she turned toward Mr. McCoy and smiled at him.
"Thanks, Jean," he replied. "Nice to see you again."
"Good to see you too, sir," Jean faked a smile.
At that point, Jean had begun executing her revenge plan. She had made her first move, and Mr. McCoy had no idea about it. She could still see the lust in his eyes. He wasn't ashamed of what he had done a few nights ago.

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Meanwhile, Luke quietly read the menu, trying to decide what to order for dinner. After speaking to Mr. McCoy, Jean turned toward Luke and asked, "May I suggest something?"
"Yes, please," Luke replied. "I'm not the best at choosing a meal from a menu."
"Jean's recommendations are the best," Mr. McCoy said while looking at her. "I trust her."
"What do you recommend, Jean?" Luke raised his head to look at Jean.
"Everything on the menu is really good, sir," she smiled before extending her hand to place her finger on a particular place on the menu card. "This one is the best. You must try it."
Luke's eyebrows came together upon reading what was written there. He understood Jean was trying to tell him something about Mr. McCoy. She had pasted a piece of paper with tape on Luke's menu, and on it was written, "Harassment of a waitress by Mr. McCoy. Free."

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"What's that?" Mr. McCoy asked curiously. Since he couldn't see Luke's menu card, he had no idea what Jean had done. He thought she was recommending one of the dishes from their menu.
"It's your favorite, sir!" Jean smiled.
"Oh, yes! The beef bolognese," Mr. McCoy said, assuming that Jean had recommended his favorite dish on the menu. "I recommend it as well. It's delicious. And the employees have it all the time!"
Luke was confused, but he didn't say anything to Mr. McCoy. He looked at him with raised eyebrows, thinking how he could harass his employees. Luke never thought Mr. McCoy could do something like that.

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"Yeah, we have it all the time!" Jean chirped. "We have it every day."
Jean smiled and nodded when Luke looked at her with eyes wide open. "Oh, okay. I'll have this one since both of you are recommending it. Please add it to my order, Jean."
"Okay, sir," she smiled.
"And a coffee for me, please," Mr. McCoy raised his index finger. He had no idea that his secret was out.
"Sure," Jean smiled. "I'll be right back, sir."

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At that point, Mr. McCoy had no idea that the man sitting across the table, his potential investor, was aware of his darkest secret. As a restaurant owner, Mr. McCoy was very particular about his reputation in town, but Jean had tainted his image by executing her plan. Mr. McCoy was yet to know about Jean's revenge plan.
While the chef prepared their order, Mr. McCoy kept talking to Luke, hoping he would agree to invest in the restaurant. At that point, all Mr. McCoy wanted was for Luke to sign the investment agreement. He couldn't wait for that moment.
"You have such a nice car!" Mr. McCoy said while looking at Luke's BMW parked outside the restaurant.
Luke, shocked upon learning what his potential business partner was up to, slowly nodded and turned towards the entrance to look at his car. "Yeah," he replied with a weak smile.
"How does that handle?" Mr. McCoy asked. "Well?"

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"It's great," Luke replied, his eyes glued to the table. "It's smooth. And… Delicate. I guess."
"That's nice," Mr. McCoy smiled, wondering why Luke was suddenly acting strange. He felt something was bothering Luke but couldn't understand what it was. When he was about to ask Luke what had happened, Jean rushed in with a platter in her hand and dropped it on the table.
Mr. McCoy leaned back, and his eyebrows came together in anger as he raised his head to look at Jean. "Are you in your senses, Jean? Why did you throw it like that? Have you forgotten how to behave around my guests?" he yelled.
Instead of replying, Jean raised the platter's lid to reveal a pile of photos inside it. "Here's your order, sir!" she said while resting one hand on the table. "I hope you like it."

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Before Mr. McCoy could see the photos, Luke picked them up and looked at them one after the other. "What is this, Jean?" Mr. McCoy asked. "What's this about?"
When Jean didn't respond, Mr. McCoy extended his hand to snatch the photos from Luke but couldn't get them. Luke pulled his hands in as he carefully inspected each photograph.
"What's in those pictures? Show them to me now!" Mr. McCoy demanded.
Meanwhile, Jean stood with one hand on her waist while the other rested on the table. She knew she had destroyed Mr. McCoy's business deal, but what mattered the most to her was that she had exposed him.
"Where did you get them from?" Luke asked.
"Hidden cameras at the hotel, sir," Jean replied firmly. "There's also video footage if you need it."

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Jean had accessed the hotel's footage where Mr. McCoy was seen harassing many women, including her. Meanwhile, Mr. McCoy's heart raced upon hearing "hotel." While panicking, he picked up Luke's menu and saw what Jean had recommended earlier.
"Harassment, Mr. McCoy, free? What is this?" he asked Jean.
"What do you think you were going to do, huh?" Jean yelled at Mr. McCoy. "You thought you would scare me into living like this? You thought I was like the rest of them?"
Mr. McCoy was fuming with anger at his point. He could feel the blood rush through his body. He knew he had to make Jean stop.

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"Who even allowed you to be a boss, huh?" Jean shouted at him. "You're not going to get away with this now, Mr. McCoy! I'll ensure everyone in town knows about your true face!"
"How dare you!" Mr. McCoy rose from his seat, but Luke pushed him back before he could harm Jean.
"Calm down, Scott!" Luke held his shoulders firmly. "You forgot you're not the only one with contacts in this town. You're not the only powerful person here."
"Come on, Luke," Mr. McCoy said calmly. "Let's just focus on our deal."
"What deal? We're done, Scott," Luke shook his head. "I'll hire the best lawyers in town to prevent men like you from the slightest chance of being a part of a civilized society."

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"Think it over, Luke," Mr. McCoy begged. "Please."
"Everything's over," Luke said. "I'm calling the cops."
"Oh, sir," Jean intervened. "There's no need. I've already called them."
"What?" Mr. McCoy was shocked.
He sat on the chair and put his hand on his forehead while shaking his head. He helplessly looked around the restaurant, hoping to stop the police from arresting him somehow, but he knew there was no way out. This was indeed the end of his career.

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A few minutes later, a police van parked outside the restaurant, catching everyone's attention. A few officers entered the restaurant, handcuffed Mr. McCoy, and took him with them. Meanwhile, Mr. Donner looked at his boss with eyes wide open while Jean, Lizzie, and Betty smiled as they watched the harasser leave their lives forever.
"Are you guys serious?" Mr. Donner asked the women. "You're all in this, aren't you? Didn't you think about our salaries? Who's going to pay us now? How are we going to survive? They are going to close this restaurant down!"
He rubbed his hands on his head while picturing the restaurant shutting down. "How will you feed your daughter now, Betty? What are you going to tell her?" he asked.

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"My daughter's going to feel so proud of me, Mr. Donner," Betty said confidently. "Because she will know that there are women who are not afraid to speak out for themselves. And she will be able to put men like Mr. McCoy behind bars."
"Exactly!" Jean agreed. "And if you, Mr. Donner, don't stop behaving like this, you will end up in jail."
"Hi, everyone," Luke interrupted. "I'm sorry, but I heard a bit of your conversation, so I thought I should let you know what will happen to this restaurant."
Jean, Lizzie, Betty, and their manager looked at him with eyes wide open. They couldn't wait to hear what he had to say.
"Your former boss and I were supposed to have a final meeting here today. A meeting about buying the restaurant," Luke revealed. "However, while I was coming here, I thought of turning down the offer."

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"What?" Mr. Donner gasped in disbelief.
"But now I think it would be a shame to let such a good space sit idle," Luke said as his eyes moved from one corner of the restaurant to the other. "I want to turn it into a center for women who are victims of harassment. I want this place to be a safe space for them."
"Oh, wow!" Jean said. "That's such a great idea."
"I want you all to work there!" Luke said while looking at Jean and her coworkers.
"Oh my God!" Lizzie exclaimed. "I can't believe this!"

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"You better believe it because I have hired you all already!" Luke smiled.
"So when do we join, sir?" Mr. Donner asked.
Luke gently touched the manager's shoulder and said, "This offer is not for you, young man. It doesn't apply to you."
Mr. Donner was disappointed, while the girls couldn't wait to start working. "I'll see your girls tomorrow, okay?" Luke said while clasping his hands together. "Today is your day off. Enjoy!"
Once Luke left the restaurant, Jean, Lizzie, and Betty stood in a circle and high-fived each other. "We did it!" they cheered. "We finally did it!"

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Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.
Lily took a summer job to pay for her art supplies, unaware that her manager would lose his temper on the first day she was working the register. The manager insulted her, unaware that her father was standing in the line inside the restaurant. Here is what happened next in the story.
This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.
news.AmoMama.com does not support or promote any kind of violence, self-harm, or abusive behavior. We raise awareness about these issues to help potential victims seek professional counseling and prevent anyone from getting hurt. news.AmoMama.com speaks out against the above mentioned and news.AmoMama.com advocates for a healthy discussion about the instances of violence, abuse, sexual misconduct, animal cruelty, abuse etc. that benefits the victims. We also encourage everyone to report any crime incident they witness as soon as possible.