New Mom Names Her Baby after Favorite Snack during Pregnancy: ‘I’m Going to Get Hate for Her Name’
- A mom got hate after naming her daughter after her favorite snack.
- Many people thought she was joking, but the mom clarified that her daughter's registered name was indeed that of a snack.
- People warned the mother that her daughter would have a terrible life because of her name, but she doesn't care.
Choosing a child's name is typically a thoughtful process. It usually takes days, weeks, or even months of deliberation by parents.
Most of the time, a child's name holds significant cultural or familial meaning. Some name their kids after older relatives or, for some, popular icons during the time of their child's birth.
For one mom, however, choosing her child's name was a no-brainer. The name had no significance in her family's life except her own. She wanted to name her kid after her favorite snack.
Chantel Schnider shared her pregnancy journey on TikTok, where she filmed herself gulping down different types of food as she waited for her little one.
One video showed her eating cold pizza straight from the refrigerator. In another, her husband walked into her as she mixed pickles and ice cream while in the kitchen. Of all the things she devoured, there was one that stood out.
She Named Her Daughter After Her Most Favorite Snack
It was in one of her videos that Chantel filmed herself savoring a jar of pickles while pregnant. She then made a startling revelation in the next clip – she named her newborn daughter "Pickle."
Nicknames come and go, and people assumed "Pickle" was one of those monikers. However, Chantel clarified that "Pickle" was actually her daughter's registered name.
As expected, people bombarded the mom with negative comments about her choice of name. "That child is [going to] have the worst life ever," one commenter wrote.
Some people said "Pickle" was a nice name for a pet, but definitely not for a child. They believed the child would have a hard time growing up in school, where kids would pick on her for her name.
"Poor kid. Don't be surprised if she gets bullied or starts hating you," one person warned. "This better be a joke, or [you] do not deserve that child," another told her.
People Felt Bad for the Innocent Child
In most of the comments, people shared the same sentiment – they felt sympathy for the child, who had no idea what awaited her. They felt Pickle would be bullied for her name and would grow to resent her mom for it.
Chantel's video has gotten over 10 million views since being posted. People's intrigue got the best of them, and the controversy spread like wildfire on the popular streaming app.
While the mom was right when she said people wouldn't like her name choice, she remains unbothered. She and her family continue to share relatable content on TikTok about how it is to raise three toddlers while recovering from postpartum challenges.
The Alexander family now have over 700 thousand followers on TikTok and have raked in 29.1 million likes throughout their channel. At a time when freedom of expression is of utmost importance, Chantel proved that sometimes, children don't need to have traditional or famous names.
Chantel expresses her creativity boldly by naming her daughter after a snack. Only time will tell whether Pickle will have a difficult time navigating life with her unique name or whether people will be open and accepting.

A user's comment on Chantel's tiktok video. | Source: tiktok.com/@thealexanderfamily

A user's comment on Chantel's tiktok video. | Source: tiktok.com/@thealexanderfamily

A user's comment on Chantel's tiktok video. | Source: tiktok.com/@thealexanderfamilyy

A user's comment on Chantel's tiktok video. | Source: tiktok.com/@thealexanderfamily
In another horrifying story about names, a woman finds out her husband named their child after his mistress. Click here to find out what happened.