Two women mad at each other after an argument | Source: Shutterstock
Two women mad at each other after an argument | Source: Shutterstock

My Boyfriend’s Mom Thought I Was a Nobody and I Couldn’t Put Up with It

Vanessa Seifert
Dec 18, 2023
01:55 P.M.

A young couple moved in with the boyfriend's grandmother. The girlfriend had issues with the noise made by the grandmother and her daughter, but when she confronted them, things took a turn for the worse.


A young woman took to Reddit to explain an altercation between her and her boyfriend's mother. She and her boyfriend had been dating for two years and already planned on moving in together.

A young couple | Source: Freepik.com

A young couple | Source: Freepik.com

The 19-year-old revealed that her father was an alcoholic, so she was not opposed to moving in with her boyfriend. Since they did not have money, her boyfriend, 18, asked his grandmother if they could use her spare room.

The grandmother agreed, and the couple started their new chapter together. However, some things bothered the girlfriend. She realized that the grandmother did not do any cleaning around the house.

A couple holding moving boxes | Source: Freepik.com

A couple holding moving boxes | Source: Freepik.com


Instead, she would go to her 34-year-old daughter's house, whom the OP(Original Poster) named Janice. The Redditor said the grandma would go to work, clean her daughter's house, and come back too exhausted to do anything at her house, leaving most of the work to her.

Besides the mess the girlfriend noticed, she said a few necessities were missing, such as a toilet seat, cleaning supplies, and a vacuum cleaner. OP added more things, like a carpet and a few organizational items to make the house more functional.

A woman cleaning | Source: Freepik.com

A woman cleaning | Source: Freepik.com

Either way, the main problem that the girlfriend had was when her boyfriend's mother would come over. She explained that Janice had two more daughters besides her boyfriend.


One of the daughters was eight, and her mother usually dropped her off at school at 07:45 a.m. Janice would stop by the grandmother's house after drop off. However, the girlfriend had a problem with their loud conversations and the sound of the doorbell that early in the morning.

A woman struggling to sleep | Source: Shutterstock

A woman struggling to sleep | Source: Shutterstock

The girlfriend raised the issue with the grandmother and asked them to close the door when conversing and for Janice to not ring the doorbell but rather call or use a spare key.

All she wanted was to sleep in until at least 09:00 a.m. on her off days. According to the Redditor, things would change for about three days, and the noise would start again, which made her angry.

When things did not change, OP thought it would be better for her to confront Janice. She had her boyfriend join her, but the reaction from the Janice was unexpected. "... she got super pissed and butthurt and told me that it's not my home," she expressed.

Two women arguing | Source: Shutterstock

Two women arguing | Source: Shutterstock

The girlfriend explained that she paid rent and took care of the household. She added that her intention was not to kick Janice out of her mother's home but to ask her not to ring the doorbell and to keep the noise levels low when she visited in the morning. But the mother cried and told her husband.

The situation escalated, leading Janice to kick OP out of the house. The 19-year-old packed her things, including everything she bought for the home. She lived with her father again for a few months and moved back after her boyfriend asked her to.

A women looking sad while packing | Source: Shutterstock

A women looking sad while packing | Source: Shutterstock


The transition back to the grandmother's house took work. She returned with the things she bought but kept everyone else from using them. Her boyfriend bought a toilet seat, and his grandmother clarified it was hers.

OP did not understand her emphasis on who the toilet seat belonged to, but the grandmother was angry at her. She told her she hurt her grandson, took him for granted, and should not have moved out to begin with.

A couple fighting | Source: Getty Images

A couple fighting | Source: Getty Images

The girlfriend started feeling bad about how things turned out. So she turned to Reddit to ask if she was wrong for taking her stuff after what Janice said or if it was on the grandmother for not letting the past go.

The People Weigh In


The commenters did not think the girlfriend was wrong for how she reacted. One Redditor wondered if a lease existed for the place and suggested that the boyfriend could have stood up for her against his mother.

An older woman looking worried | Source: Getty Images

An older woman looking worried | Source: Getty Images

Many Redditors thought the girlfriend was too young to deal with these kinds of family issues and asked if she planned to marry into the family. If she still wanted to continue her relationship, commenters thought it would be better for her to save and move into her place.


Others also thought the young couple's problems were a sign that the relationship needed to end. They thought the OP was too young for all that responsibility. One commenter remarked: "If your relationship with your bf isn't working, perhaps it isn't working." Do you think the girlfriend was wrong?

If you enjoyed his story, here is one of a boyfriend who ended a date with his girlfriend due to her behavior.

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