
Mama Zodiac's Daily Prediction for your Star Sign

Manuela Cardiga
Mar 13, 2018
02:52 P.M.

Mama Zodiac consults the ancient wisdom of the Horoscope for the daily trend for your Star-Sign.


The Mistress of Astrology reads the Universal energy for each Sign to give you a glimpse of the future.

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay


March 21 to April 19

Whatever you feel today you will be expressing loudly and very clearly, Aries. You are quite decided on setting your life to rights and you are going to start with your emotional life! Your temper may be a little volatile, and your sensitivity may have you over-reacting to everything you hear, everything that is said and done around you… You may want to go to a stylist and change your hairstyle, or to a spa for a relaxing massage. Pamper yourself, you deserve it! If you are in a relationship, this would be an excellent time to set aside those little upsets and misunderstandings that have been souring your day-to-day life and make a fresh start.

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay


April 20 to May 20

A friend may be pressuring you to “go out there” and get back into the dating game, meet people and take a chance on love. You are just not “there” yet! Right now your main focus is on your emotional stability, that wonderful feeling of well-being and self-confidence that suffuses you. Today you are working on improving your life, increasing your comfort and your security. As for tomorrow or the next day? Who knows? If you are in a relationship, you may have come to the realization that you are not getting what you need from this relationship. Something fundamental is missing, and you can’t quite pinpoint it. There is some insuperable distance between you and your partner, and you just don’t have the energy or the will to bridge it.

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay


May 21 to June 20

Your emotional focus may be on mending fences with a sibling today, Gemini. You may have just recently had a spat, or you may be estranged over some old and bitter quarrel and now the time has come to talk it out, get closure on the issue and move on. The longer you hold on to your anger, the longer it will fester and poison your heart. If you are in a relationship, you will be moved to communicate with your partner on a deeper level today. There may be something in your past that you’ve never discussed or shared before, and that has been eating away at your peace of mind. Letting it all out will allow you to get that load off, and give you some form of closure so the healing can start.

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay


June 21 to July 22

Your home-life - your family - will be at the very center of your focus and attention today, Cancer. You may be attending a family reunion, and seeing many of those relatives for the first time in years! You will be warmed and comforted by their whole-hearted affection and acceptance. If you are in a relationship, you and your partner may feel a need to spend a lot more time at home in a domestic ambiance. You may be pulling away from that hectic social life and hanging around the house in your slippers smooching on the couch! There may be a renewed interest in decorating and making your surroundings more welcoming and comforting.

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay



July 23 to August 22

If you have been sad and down lately, Leo, today is going to be a radical departure from your recent mood! You will be sparkling with energy and optimism, reaching out to people and sharing your joyous exuberant mood. Your self-esteem and your confidence are enhanced and this would be a perfect moment to go out on the town with a friend and get some new and exciting love interest into your life! If you are in a relationship, you will be sharply aware of how attractive your beloved really is! This sexy hunk of burning love needs some attention and you are willing and able to give it! Switch off the phone, hang up a DO NOT DISTURB sign on your front door and get to it!

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay


August 23 to September 22

You have been cosseting and pampering others, Virgo, but now you may be turning your attention inwards, to your self and focusing on your own needs and what you can do to better your own life. Look at what your routines are, and what you can do to ease your stress levels and reduce those demands from thankless duty that you have taken on of your own accord. You may want to rethink your lifestyle too, and start a gentle cycle of exercise, and eat more sensibly and healthily. Remember to go slow. The idea of embracing a new life is to have less stress, not more! If you are in a relationship, you may realize that your relationship has fallen into a routine. Whatever excitement you once had in your shared life has vanished under the oppressive weight of daily life. Call up your beloved and make a date and start working on the renewal of your relationship

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay



September 23 to October 22

It’s not that you are vain, Libra; it’s just that you look exceptionally good today! You are in a great mood, and your joy adds an irresistible sparkle to your eyes and a flirty edge to your smile… You may find that someone fascinating is equally fascinated by you and strikes up a conversation. Go on, make a date! This may be the start of a new and very gratifying relationship. If you are in a relationship, you will be working on improving your understanding of your beloved, opening up to them and really listening to what they have to say. Some of the finer nuances may have been lost on you lately, but you have been working on your sensitivity… You have taken a big step towards restoring the peace and harmony to your relationship.

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay



October 23 to November 21

People will be calling up and wanting to rope you into some group activities, Scorpio, but that is just not where you are at today. You feel a deep need for a more intimate, deeper interaction with a close friend that you can really talk to and share your innermost feelings and thoughts with. If you are in a relationship, you may find that there is a renewal of that fire and that passion that brought you together in the first place. Daily life has been wearing away at that desire, those duties and those routines may have distracted you from expressing your love - and you may both be to blame for that, but today something kindled that fire, that leads to intimacy so take advantage of it!

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay



November 22 to December 21

Your soul is expanding, and you feel a great need for spiritual growth, Sagittarius. That enormous need for freedom has you tugging at the moorings of your daily life impatiently. You want to break free and roam without restrictions, with out boundaries and seek out your own destiny… You cant quite up and leave your sedate life behind but you can start planning that longed for trip to the Far East or to mystical Nepal…If you are in a relationship, you may be deeply restless today. The restrictions of a partnership, the demands of life as a couple may feel irksome. Careful there! This is a passing mood, and the boredom and dissatisfaction you feel stem from your own need for evolution and growth, not from any lack in your beloved or your relationship.

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay



December 22 to January 19

You want to be the very center of attention today. You want all eyes on you, admiring and desiring… That need for public approval is fundamental to your nature and has conditioned a lot of your life choices. There is someone in your life you are beginning to care about a great deal who is less addicted to the limelight and may, in fact, refuse it. You may have to choose between the facile admiration of the many and the true and sincere love of the one... If you are in a relationship, you may be going through a complicated phase. Someone - possibly a powerful and influential female figure - may be interfering quite deliberately in your relationship. Speak frankly and openly with your beloved. Your mutual trust will disarm any malice, and draw the sting from that gossiping busybody’s tongue!

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay



January 20 to February 18

Being among friends will be your greatest joy and comfort today, Aquarius. There may have been some dark moments in the recent past, but that safety net of true and loving friends saw you through. Today you want to share that affection with them, show them how important and fundamental their support is in your life. Call them up and throw a party! If you are in a relationship, you and your beloved may be sitting down to trace out your plans for a shared future. You may have had some doubts lately about where your destiny lay, but now you are ready to take this relationship seriously - all the way up to the next level. You are finally going to commit and say that dreaded M word!

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay



February 19 to March 20

You will wake up in a misty introspective mood today, Pisces. Not sad or despondent, just disconnected from that shallow chatter of the hoi-polloi. You need solitude, meditation, introspection. You need to delve into the silent depths of your own imagination and look for some answers to issues and questions from your distant past. You may be sharing some of those thoughts and feelings with one close and understanding friend, and this person will be helping you make sense of some of your conflicting feelings. If you are in a relationship, you may be confusing your beloved by your silence and distance. Your need to be alone has to do with your own need to resolve an inner, not your relationship. Carefully explain this, before you lock yourself up in that emotional ivory tower.

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