
Woman gives birth just 30 minutes after learning she's pregnant

Mar 24, 2018
02:15 P.M.

This woman least expected that her pain would add joy to her life.


Shared reported that a young Ally Opfer did not know she was pregnant until she reached the hospital.

23-year-old Ally Opfer did not have much time to do things all the pregnant woman do. In fact, she did not know she would become a mother when she arrived at the hospital thinking kidney stones were causing her pain.

She was in labor when she arrived and an ultrasound revealed that she was 38-weeks pregnant.

Opfer’s son, Oliver, was delivered by C-section immediately after the scan. The woman from Cleveland had a healthy boy, despite not following a planned diet and prenatal plan.

“I always loved babies and knew I wanted to be a mom one day. Not necessarily right then. I was shocked and didn’t really believe it. I didn’t realize how much I needed him until I had him.”

Ally Opfer, InsideEdition.com, March 7, 2017.

Her son is a year old now and Opfer along with her family are still surprised by the little one’s sudden arrival.

The mother said that she always had irregular periods and was not baffled when they abruptly stopped. She took several pregnancy tests, but all came back negative.


Everything was normal for her and she never started showing. She said that it could have been because of the way she was carrying or the way her son was in her stomach.

Opfer does not drink or smoke. She did consume tuna and deli meats during her pregnancy, which the doctors advised should be avoided.

She only noticed something was not right when she experienced painful menstrual cramps. She was taken to the hospital when the pains continued for two days.

Due to complications during her term, the doctors had to perform a C-section the day before Christmas Eve.

The mother said that she realized how much she needed him. He is now her best friend and their connection is very strong, according to Opfer.

The two often spend time playing together and the little one is always following his mother around the house.

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