
Firefighter delays own wedding to save little girl badly injured in a car accident

Apr 06, 2018
09:28 P.M.

The brave firefighter did not want anyone to die on his watch. He tried to save them all during his wedding day.


The Sinclair family was driving on their way home after spending the entire day on a little trip.

According to Glad Wire, a car forcefully hit their vehicle out of nowhere. Everyone in the car was injured.

Riding inside the vehicle was Barney Sinclair and his three children.

Barney recalled that it was his daughter Charley who was hurt the worst.

At the time, a car had pulled over and a man came rushing to the scene to help.


It was Firefighter Jacob Graves. He was driving along with his fiancée when he saw the accident. Without any thought, he ran towards them to help.

Graves and his fiancée were supposed to be on their way to get married, but right then and there, they both decided to postpone their celebrations to help the poor family.

The firefighter did everything he could to help the Sinclair family. Soon enough, he noticed that Charley was the one who badly needed the help.

Graves recalled that when he first laid eyes on the girl, he thought she was dead.

Five-year-old Charley was looking lifeless and had turned blue. Graves rushed towards her to check and luckily, she was still alive. Although Graves knew she didn’t have much time.

Before the ambulance arrived, Graves did everything to keep Charley alive.


When they reached the hospital, it was discovered that Charley had suffered a severe brain injury.

After the accident, Charley was not able to walk or talk, but the family was just happy that she is still alive. The Sinclairs expressed that they will forever be grateful for Graves. They owe him their lives.

Now, Charley is six years old and has made tremendous progress. She is beginning to learn how to walk and talk again. The family considers it a true miracle.

As for Graves, he is being honored with the “Firefighter of the Year” award for his exemplary performance in saving the Sinclair family.

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