
Duchess Kate has been reminded to monitor her Royal baby’s movements

Edduin Carvajal
Apr 10, 2018
05:08 P.M.

Several women have admitted being more careful with their first pregnancies than with the rest of them. Duchess Kate is no different.


Most of the times, third-time mothers, like Kate, have their hands full taking care of their previous two children and don’t realize the differences their current pregnancy is experiencing.

According to Express, professional policy advisor at the Royal College of Midwives, Clare Livingstone, knows it and has been advising expectant mothers to be aware of the changes they might face during the months before the actual delivery.

‘Third-time mums are more relaxed. They're probably more tired so it's the importance of rest, nutrition, hydration, monitoring baby's movements and reporting any noticeable difference with that.’

Clare Livingstone, Express, April 10, 2018.

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Source: Getty Images

Livingstone added that women might even end up giving birth at home – which is not pleasant at all when things were not previously arranged – if they don’t notice that the labor would start earlier.

She confessed that Kate might be one of them as, most of the times, the women who experience that are those who live a stressful life or have a busy family.

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Source: Getty Images


Experts reported that Charlotte was welcomed only two hours and 34 minutes after she was admitted to the hospital and that the third baby is expected to be born as fast – or even faster.

If that happens, she might be one of the 2 percent of women who had a precipitate labor, which is a labor that lasts less than two hours from the time they got their first contraction twinge to the moment they give birth.

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Source: Getty Images

Made For Mums added that it happens mostly on women who have welcomed children before as their cervix has been stretched already and the uterus knows what to do.

They even said that if the labor starts and Kate is not sure if she would get to the hospital on time, the best thing to do would be receiving the baby at Kensington Palace.

So far, the exact due date has not been released. All that is left to do is wait for the Kensington Palace Twitter account to make the big announcement and see how everything was.

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