
'WWE' Hall of Famer icon Jerry Lawler recently suffered a stroke, reports say

Junie Sihlangu
Apr 12, 2018
09:55 A.M.

A wrestling icon recently revealed that he’d suffered a minor stroke in California. Jerry Lawler shared the news during a podcast.


The incident occurred on March 21, 2018, with only two people finding out. Pop Culture revealed that the star was released from the hospital three days later.

During this week's Dinner With The King podcast, Jerry Lawler revealed that he suffered a moderate stroke two weeks before this year's WrestleMania. He shared that the stroke happened while he was in California for WonderCon.

At the time, Lawler had noticed that one side of his face had become paralyzed and that he was slurring his speech. He immediately sought medical attention at a local hospital.


At the hospital, it was revealed that he had a blood pressure of 296/145 which was incredibly high. He was kept at the hospital for three days and then released.

Lawler was able to speak again without slurring his speech and felt much better. The only two people who knew about the incident were Triple H and Kevin Dunn.

Medical staff gave him the all clear for travel to New Orleans for WrestleMania weekend. Even though he’d suffered a stroke a few days earlier, Lawler was still able to have a busy week in New Orleans.


The star participated in Thursday night's WrestleCon Supershow alongside Joey Ryan. He was also the host for the Friday night WWE Hall of Fame show.

There he announced with Jim Ross during WrestleMania 34's kickoff show as part of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

But this isn’t the first medical emergency that Lawler has faced in recent years. In September 2012, the star suffered a heart attack during a WWE RAW broadcast.

He returned to announcing a little more than two months later.

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