Sports star faces the devastating loss of one of his newborn twins just 5 hours after her birth
Nothing can be more devastating than losing a child hours after its first breath.
As reported in an article published by New Idea, star player of the Sydney Swans, Gary Rohan, and his wife Amie lost one of their twin daughters, Willow, just five hours after her birth on Thursday, April 12, 2018.
Rohan had announced the birth of his daughters, Bella and Willow and described them to be as the purest souls he ever laid eyes on.
Sadly, Willow was diagnosed with anencephaly in the womb and she lost her life to the helpless medical condition.
The couple was informed months in advance of the defect in the growth of the neural tube in one of their children and they were aware that this condition did not support a long life.
Anencephaly is a medical condition that causes the underdevelopment of major parts of the skull, the scalp and even the brain.
"Amie, Bella and I soaked up every second we had with Willow, making as many memories as we could all together."
Gary Rohan, Instagram, April 12, 2018
The sportsperson posted a photo of his wife holding their two daughters and taking one final family photo where the entire family was together. Bella and Willow were also accompanied by their first soft toy bunnies in the picture.
Rohan said in his heartbreaking update that the family will cherish the time spent as a family of four before Willow had to leave them.
Rohan shared that Bella was getting special care in the NICU. He confirmed that overall she was in good health and was only kept under inspection as per the hospital's protocol.
Rohan admitted that the moments post her delivery was one of the hardest for Amie and thanked everyone who helped the couple through the day that was meddled with contrasting emotions.
The 26-year-old soccer player confessed that Willow touched their lives ways that could not be expressed in words, even though she lived for a mere five hours.