Heartbreaking photos of mom giving birth to her stillborn child have a powerful message
Several people agree that the best decision they have made in their lives was becoming parents as it was one of the most wonderful experiences in the world.
It doesn’t mean it is not dangerous, though. Experts revealed that 1 out of 3 pregnancies end up in miscarriages during the first trimester and 1 in every 200 cases result is a child being born dead.
According to Viral Thread, 33-year-old Sarah Jade knows it firsthand as her second son, Aksel Jude, died when she was 33 weeks pregnant due to severe critical complications with the development of his brain.
The pregnancy was so far along that the only way to ‘expulse’ the baby was through labor, just in the same way she would do it if Aksel hadn’t died.
Knowing that, Jade contacted childbirth photographer Lacey Barratt to document the entire process. The photos of the labor shared demonstrated how painful and heartbreaking it was for Jade and her husband, Tim.
Even though losing a child is one of the worst experiences people can go through, Jade admitted that capturing that moment helped her and Tim to heal from their loss.
She gave details about that day pointing out that, at some point, Aksel was halfway out but he went back in and she had to push all over again, just as if the entire delivery process restated from the very beginning.
It was a sort of message for her: her body wanted to push him out but her heart wanted to keep him inside. After he got out, the couple hold him in what was described ‘an amazing feeling’ as seeing and touching him helped them understand the reality.
For the stillborn baby’s funeral, the entire family got together to say goodbye, including the couple three-year-old son, Arthur. He couldn’t understand why his baby brother was ‘not talking’ and ‘sleeping.’
‘Before I had Aksel I was just happy with just having one child. But now I feel so incomplete. We are just taking it one day at a time and trying to move forward.’
Sarah Jade, Viral Thread, March 2018.