Paralyzed groom walks his bride down the aisle after ceremony
A paralyzed man fulfills a dream and walks down the aisle with his new bride.
Chris Norton and Emily Summers were in love, and like so many other couples they dreamed of getting married and spending their lives together.
Their moment came on the 21st of April 2018, when the couple exchanged their vows at the Abacoa Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida, reported People.com.
They kissed in time-honored fashion and then started to walk together down the aisle as 200 guests watched with tears in their eyes.
Chris and Emily's walk was a miracle since he had been paralyzed from the neck down in a football accident at the age of nineteen.
“I wasn’t going to accept that. I was going to be part of that three percent.”
Chris Norton, People.com, 25th of April 2018
Chris doesn't remember the strike that injured him during that fateful football game; he remembers lying on the ground feeling like “someone had turned the power off to my body.”
He tried to get up but his body was not responding. Chris was taken to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where doctors discovered he had fractured his C3-C4 vertebrae.
The diagnosis was dire, and the doctors told him his chances of recovering movement below his neck were a pitiful 3%.
Chris was determined to recover and to live his life on his own terms, and he underwent a long and grueling rehabilitation process.
He met Emily, and the two were determined to have everything every other couple aspired to, including that first long walk down the aisle arm in arm.
Chris' determination to help others deal with paralysis led him to create the Chris Norton Foundation, which has raised over $800,000 for people with spinal cord injuries.
Read more about Chris and Emily Norton on our Twitter account @amomama_usa.