Donald Trump breaks Royal protocol twice just minutes after meeting the Queen
For his visit in the United Kingdom, United States President Donald Trump upset Royal watchers as he broke protocol twice. When meeting with the Queen, he failed to bow.
The Independent also mentioned how the President also walked in front of the Queen. His wife, Melania Trump, also failed to curtsy when she met the monarch.
President Donald Trump didn’t bother to conform to Royal protocols during his first official visit to Britain. He broke protocol within minutes of meeting the Queen at Windsor Castle.
Instead of bowing when meeting her, he chose to go for a handshake. His wife, Melania Trump also followed his lead, opting to shake the Queen’s hand too.
For more on this story go to our Twitter account @amomama_usa. Donald then broke protocol the second time by walking in front of the monarch as they inspected a guard of honor of the Coldstream Guards.
‘I can't even watch this... No bow or curtsey and now #Trump walks in front of the Queen #TrumpUKVisit surely he knows the protocol but chooses to ignore it and that's just bloody rude’
Joanna Gasiorowska, Twitter, July 13, 2018
She had to catch up to him as he walked ahead after trying to walk on his left and then his right. Although bowing and curtsying are not obligatory; they are considered good manners and practiced by nearly everyone when meeting the Queen.
The Trumps’ greeting was in contrast with Theresa May’s curtsy last month when she greeted Prince William at an event in Nottinghamshire. The prime minister dipped low as she shook the Duke of Cambridge’s hand.
A Royal Family spokesperson said while the general behavior was to “curtsy or bow” before a member of the Royal Family; it was still a “personal choice.” The monarchy’s official guidance said there were no obligatory codes of behavior when meeting the Queen or a member of the Royal Family.
Despite this, many people choose to observe the informal traditional. ‘For men this is a neck bow (from the head only) whilst women do a small curtsy. Other people prefer simply to shake hands in the usual way,’ read the website.