
Mom of terminally-ill boy, 3, calls out person who left abusive note on her car

Aug 21, 2018
07:45 A.M.

Emma Doherty, the mother of three-year-old terminally ill Bobby, had parked her car in a space reserved for people with disability when she took her son to the hospital and was shocked after returning from the appointment to find a note stuck to her car which called her “lazy.”


Doherty updated a post on her Facebook page on August 14, 2018, in which she got back at the person who left such an offensive and judgemental note on her car parked at the Alder Hey Children's Hospital, without even being aware of her situation.

Somebody posted the note because she had parked her car in the spot reserved for people with a disability and it accused her of not having a disabled person with her.

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Doherty had not taken her son's wheelchair out of the car and had carried him into the hospital herself as she was in a hurry, read her post on Facebook.

“You did not have a disabled person with you. These spaces are reserved for people who need them!” the note stuck to her car said.

The mother went to write on her post that even though she did not feel the need to justify the reason for not carrying her disabled badge at the time of the visit to the person who posted the note, she explained why she did not have the badge.


She wrote that her son is terminally ill and was born with three holes in his heart. He has had over 15 operations including three open-heart surgeries, lung and diaphragm and many artery stenting operations and has spent more than half his life in intensive care.

Her son's condition makes him unable to walk long distances. He was paralyzed, and brain damaged after he had two strokes. Added to that, Doherty also wrote that he has a spine and hip condition.

There was MRI and CT scan scheduled for her son on that day, and he was discharged just the night before from the hospital.

She made it very clear that not everyone who holds a blue badge, that helps a disabled person who has severe mobility problems to park close to their destination for them to have easy access to services and other facilities, needs to have a wheelchair.


She wrote that not all disabilities are visible and she was not angry at the person but bothered by the “pure ignorance,” that the person showed by writing the note.

Doherty had also shared a picture of the note along with a picture of her son in her post on Facebook.

She mentioned that she had shared a photo of her son to prove to people who judge others without thinking that not all conditions of disability are visible.

Doherty also pointed out in the note that the hospital was in no way responsible for the rough experience she had in the parking lot. She mentioned that the Alder Hey Children's Hospital has always treated her with respect and has been treating her son for three years, saving her son's life many times.


Terminally-ill mother’s selfless gesture

Another heart-warming story about terminally ill Rhianna Truman went viral. She showed what a mother’s love meant with a selfless gesture.

She placed the birth of her son before her well-being and decided to discontinue her cancer treatment when she got pregnant with her son.

17-year-old Truman refused the treatment that could have slowed down her cancer, which had resurfaced in 2015 but could have put her unborn baby at risk.

The teenager from New Zealand became pregnant in 2016 and chose not to go ahead with the treatment because she wanted to give her child a healthy start to life, according to Kid Spot.

Truman was first diagnosed with adamantinoma, a rare type of bone cancer which was found in her leg. She went through an operation, and the bone was removed from her leg, replaced with an iron rod.

Unfortunately, she was told by doctors in 2015 that cancer had spread to her lungs, and there was no possibility of them coming up with a cure.

“When I found out I was pregnant, I was like, 'this is my reason, this is my chance to make something good out of my life and be a proud mother, and for him to eventually be proud of me,'” she told *Kid Sport.


She named her son, Daeshaun, and knew that he would remember that his mother did everything she could to protect him.

Nine-year-old’s wait for a sibling

Bailey Cooper battled with terminal cancer long enough to meet and name his baby sister, when doctors had told that he wouldn't live long enough to see her birth.

Bailey, from Bristol, fought Non-Hodgkin lymphoma for 15 months, determined to see to his sister who was born at the end of November 2017. He passed away on Christmas Eve in 2017.


The little boy was diagnosed with the disease in the summer of 2016, and his family had not believed that he would survive long enough to meet his sister.

His family shared that he also named his sister Millie and was excited to hold her in his arms for the first time. The family also shared photos of him holding his little sister.

Bailey's condition started to worsen soon after his meeting with Millie, and on December 22, 2017, he was taken to the hospital and by 11:45 PM on Christmas Eve, he took his last breath.

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