
Struggling server expecting 4th baby gets huge tip from college student

Jaimie-lee Prince
Aug 31, 2018
12:29 P.M.

A Roseville server got a big surprise when he was tipped at the House of Oliver wine bar by one of his guests after a busy day.


CBS Local reported how David Fabila had just come from his first job and was exhausted when he entered the packed wine bar Friday before last. He described:

"I was telling my coworkers that tonight is not my night I'm not having a good night. I just came from my other job, I'm exhausted."

But one customer would make it his duty to change Fabila's whole day around. When Steffen Berr saw Fabila working the patio area all by himself, he took note.

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Source: Youtube/CBS Sacramento

Source: Youtube/CBS Sacramento

Fabila, a California resident, explained what next happened that would leave him eternally grateful to a kind stranger:


"I pulled the check out to close it and when I pulled it out that's when I saw everything. Their bill was very expensive it was like $190-something, that's exactly the tip they left me."

And on the receipt was a note which read: "We're young, but we're worth serving."

Source: Youtube/CBS Sacramento

Source: Youtube/CBS Sacramento

At first, he thought it was a mistake, but the significance of the heartwarming act was not lost on Fabila, who has a fourth child on the way.

"Unless you work in the service industry, you don't really understand how much tips mean to a server, to a bartender."

Berr put it out there that he'd been in a similar situation before waiting tables in Texas, so "[he] decided to show [Fabila] what he did is appreciated."


Berr, who is a student at Sacramento State, says he simply wanted to make sure Fabila got what he deserved.

"I'm in a position where I have the resources and luck to do this so why not just go for it, I'm really glad I did it he really needed that money more than I did."

Berr was not aware of the ongoing "tip the bill" challenge that encourages persons to leave 100 percept tips to servers. He just wanted to make a difference by helping out.

And Fabila said he'd never forget the simple act.

In April 2018, Whitney Anderson went through a less fortunate tipping experience. She was the customer at Abuelo's Mexican Restaurant where she left a $10 tip for her server.

Or so she thought. The next day she found her back history was off. Instead of $10, the server had removed $20 from her account. Anderson went to the restaurant to straighten things out.


She was thankfully successful and found out this was not the first time the thieving waitress had committed the act, having been fired many times over before for the same thing.

Back in 2015, a father had much better luck when he was rewarded for taking his daughter out to dinner on Valentine's Day. Though he had a woman in his life, he decided to treat his 6-year-old daughter to a date at Old Spaghetti Factory.

Apparently, a couple who had had no fathers growing up took notice of the caring dad. They left him a touching note and covered the father-daughter pair's entire meal.

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