Mother of critically ill child who has since passed shared her thoughts of nurses on Facebook
A mother of a little girl who passed away from cancer shared a post on Facebook in appreciation of the nurses who worked at the hospital her daughter stayed in. The post immediately went viral.
Shelby and Jonathan had a daughter named Sophie who was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma. The toddler was not feeling well one day, and the doctors found a softball-sized mass in her chest.
Months of chemotherapy treatments had her stuck in the hospital. At the time, the procedures took a toll on her, and she wasn’t able to walk, talk, eat, or use her hands.
It was hard for Shelby to see her daughter suffering and had a hard time updating everyone about Sophie’s condition. Eventually, she created a Facebook page called Sophie the Brave to keep her friends and family informed of her daughter’s progress.
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One of her posts was purely dedicated to nurses, specifically to pediatric nurses, and it quickly went viral.
Shelby shared that she always watched how nurses worked hard and went the extra mile for their child patients. She explained how nurses would dedicate 12 hours of their day to the sick children, and even to the worried parents.
"I see all of those rubber bracelets on your arms and wrapped around your stethoscope, each one for a child that you've cared for and loved ... I see you stroke her little bald head and tuck her covers around her tightly. I see you holding the crying mom that got bad news. I see you trying to chart on the computer while holding the baby whose mom can't-or won't be at the hospital with her," she wrote.
Shelby acknowledged how the nurses would visit her daughter even though she wasn’t their patient and they would spend hours talking to parents to make sure they were doing fine as well.
Sophie’s mother wrote that not enough snack baskets or thank you cards in the world could ever pay for what the nurses have done for her daughter and the other sick children at the hospital.
She said, "You are Jesus to us every single day. Our children wouldn't get what they need without you. Moms like me wouldn't feel sane or heard without you. You save our babies, and we couldn't do this without you."
After posting the lengthy appreciation letter, thousands of nurses around the world were touched by Shelby’s kind words and also expressed how they are very passionate about their job as nurses.
In another story, a mother from Minnesota shared how grateful she was for the nurse and the police officer who helped save her baby daughter’s life.
The mother was driving on the highway when she heard her six-week-old baby choking in the backseat. Luckily, the nurse and the cop were there to the rescue.