California pastor loses job because his most recent anti-LGBT church sign causes backlash
Community members from Lake Shastina are rallying together against the anti-LGBTQ message displayed by a local church.
A Church in northern California displayed a sign that resulted in the pastor, Justin Hoke, losing his job. The sign read:
"Bruce Jenner is still a man; homosexuality is still a sin. The culture may change. The bible does not."
When the signed gained some traction on social media, a group of mothers came together to orchestrate the Shastina Love Rally in protest.
One of the mothers, Amelia Mallory, told Yahoo Lifestyle that she was shocked to see this sign her "own backyard," and added:
“The sign itself is walking that fine line between truth and fiction. If religion is a belief someone holds and uses as a tool to be a better human, I’m totally in favor of it. But as a mom, I would hate for anyone to tell my kids they were in any way less because of something they really don’t have control over.”
Members of the LGBTQ community also showed up with the placards, one reading: "Jesus had 2 dads and he turned out FINE."
One of the protesters said they were partaking "to support individuals of our community, regardless of gender identity [or] sexual orientation." They added:
“I think that we should show love, respect, and tolerance to all individuals as part of our national identity.”
Their protest, along with the outrage the sign garnered online, resulted in pastor Hoke being ousted from the Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church.
Hoke confirmed on Facebook that he is no longer affiliated with the church after several elder members of the congregation thought it was "best if he moved on."
At the time of publishing, the sign was still up for all to see. Hoke told a news outlet that even if the sign gets taken down, the message will remain the same.
Community members were also quick to speak out when a pastor reportedly said members of the LGBTQ community were "scum of the earth."
His hurtful comments were made just days after the Orlando mass shooting at a gay night club where 49 people were slaughtered.
The same pastor was later fired for "being with prostitutes." Read more on our Twitter account, @amomama_usa.