
Doctor Dresses up as Batman to Fulfill the Dream of a Little Cancer Patient

Pedro Marrero
Apr 06, 2019
05:54 A.M.

A video went viral on YouTube in which a doctor realizes the dream of his little patient receiving cancer treatment.


The video, which was shared by the Twitter user Ellimitedelbien, shows how the small boy's oncologist made his dream come true.

The child's doctor disguises himself as Batman after the boy claimed that meeting the superhero was his greatest wish. The doctor then advances through the corridors of the hospital while the child watches him in surprise.

"Batman" walking through the hallway of the hospital. I Image: Facebook/ Oswaldo Nogueira.

"Batman" walking through the hallway of the hospital. I Image: Facebook/ Oswaldo Nogueira.

Later, you can see the child hugging his favorite character while the doctor caresses him. The tender scene was shared on social media and already has thousands of views.

Thousands of people around the world have been moved by the shared video on social media where the doctor manages to get a smile from the child who had been taking treatment for the painful illness.


Young patient meeting a superhero. l Image: Facebook/ Oswaldo Nogueira.

Young patient meeting a superhero. l Image: Facebook/ Oswaldo Nogueira.

In the video that was shared on Twitter by the user LimiteDelBien, one can observe the doctor approaching the child and asking what his desire is, to which the child replies that he dreams of meeting Batman.

Without thinking twice, the doctor leaves the room but reappears minutes later with the clothes of his patient's favorite superhero.

The little boy and "Batman" share a hug. l Image: Facebook/ Oswaldo Nogueira.

The little boy and "Batman" share a hug. l Image: Facebook/ Oswaldo Nogueira.

The touching video ends when Batman stays in the middle of the hall and asks the child to come to hug him and give words of encouragement to continue fighting against the evil that afflicts him.

The video has millions of reproductions and thousands of people have congratulated the doctor for making his little patient happy.

This story reminds us of a beautiful baby girl from Sioux Falls, North Dakota, who is her parents’ “little superhero,” a nickname they gave her because of the black mask-like birthmark that covers part of her face.

Natalie Jackson is a happy 1-year-old girl that was born with a Batman-like birthmark covering a third of her face. Her parents, Lacey and Andrew Jackson, were scared at first after seeing their daughter for the first time, as the mother thought the mark on Natalie’s face was a bruise.

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