
Teen Mom Discovers She Was Sent Home with the Wrong Baby after She Took a DNA Test

Rebelander Basilan
Apr 01, 2019
09:49 A.M.

The teenage mother's DNA test confirmed that the baby girl she was taking care of was not hers.


Prevalent representations of "switched at birth" mishaps show up generally as entertainment. Who would have thought that such a horrifying slip-up would ever genuinely occur?

Baby holding woman's finger | Photo: Pexels

Baby holding woman's finger | Photo: Pexels

“I took her to my house because I thought it was my baby and I keep taking care of her as if she was my daughter, but she is not, my baby was taken somewhere else."

Recently, an unnamed 17-year-old mother was frightened to learn she had been given the wrong infant at a local hospital in the city of Barranca in Peru after carrying out a DNA test.

She claimed that her baby girl was swapped with another after she delivers her baby in the hospital in February.



The mother believed that the swap took place after the newborn babies were taken to a bath and their identification bracelets were mixed.

She then made a decision to undergo a DNA test, which confirmed that she was sent with a wrong baby.

The teenager and her family staged a protest outside the hospital. They demanded her child be returned.



Meanwhile, she is continuing to care for the baby girl, saying:

“I took her to my house because I thought it was my baby and I keep taking care of her as if she was my daughter, but she is not, my baby was taken somewhere else."

On the other hand, Rita Fernandez, the mother whose baby her kid was mixed up with the teens, also said she had mix feelings too but is also continuing to take care of the child.


Richard Solano, the hospital's director, detailed the case to investigators.

Woman carrying a baby | Photo: Pexels

Woman carrying a baby | Photo: Pexels

In a press statement, the Ministry of Health said that the moms and the children would undergo a DNA test, which will be paid by the Health Department.

The Deputy Minister of the Public Health Department Neptali Santillan said they are endeavoring to keep the families calm. They also admitted there is a probability the infants were mixed up in the hospital.

“We want each girl to be with the parents they belong with,” said Santillan.

Switch during childbirth is very uncommon, yet it does in fact happen. In 2015, two newborn boys were exchanged in a hospital in India. It took three years via Court to get the custody orders to switch back the children.

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