LHHATL's Kirk Frost’s Baby Mother Jasmine Calls Him and Rasheeda ‘Fake TV Parents’
Yet another dispute over "bad baby daddies" seems to be brewing in "Love & Hip Hop Atlanta."
At the "Love and Hip Hop Atlanta" reunion, Kirk Frost and wife Rasheeda were confronted with Jasmine Washington's claims that he hasn't been there for her son Kannon.
With fans reeling from the courtroom drama between Stevie J. and Joseline Hernandez over their daughter Bonnie Bella hitting the headlines, is there another custody dispute brewing?
“I think she expects me to be there like she was in a relationship. And she gotta understand, it was something different, and you chose to move forward with the situation, and you gotta kind of deal with it.” Kirk Frost
According to the Frosts, Kirk is not neglectful of little Kannon, he just has other commitments.
For Kirk, Jasmine's decision to have baby Kannon knowing that he was a married man with a family places the responsibility squarely on her lap.
Jasmine has expressed sadness over the way Kirk neglects her son Kannon
The truth of the matter is that Kirk cheated on Rasheeda with Jasmine. He had been married to the rapper since 1999 and they have two sons together, Ky, 18, and Karter, 5.
The result of his affair with Jasmine was little Kannon but it looks like the Frosts put the blame on Jasmine.
Rasheeda, who left Kirk when the scandal of Kannon's conception erupted, is even less sympathetic towards Jasmine.
“You had a child with a married man and a family. He’s not gonna change his structure for you. He never made you think that sh-t from the beginning! So don’t think now that that child is in place that everything is gonna change. It’s not,” Rasheeda said.
Rasheeda and Kirk reconciled and now present a united front "against" Jasmine's demands. And what is Jasmine demanding? That Kirk spends more time with his son...who made no decisions and has absolutely nothing to do with the whole hot grown-up mess.
Jasmine responded by pointing out that Kirk and Rasheeda are more than willing to play-act happy families with her son on camera, but that off the reality show set, Frost has no time for his son. Not even on his birthday.
“They are tv parents. I expect Kirk to be there like a f–king father. Let’s start there. I dnt ask for much! But surely you can take out an hour of your ‘busy schedule’ to see him for his bday or pick him up for example. Damn, maybe even a 30sec phone call from your daughter’s phone to wish him a happy bday?" she asked.
Jasmine blasted the couple for living a fake storyline on "Love & Hip Hop" to the point of faking phone calls and texts from her and her son.
"Not 1 of y’all wished him a happy bday but act so concerned about everything else when the cameras rolling. I dnt even gaf that sis wants to hold me more accountable than her husband, but KANNON ain’t do sh-t to none of y’all," she said.
The lady does have a point. It takes two to tango, and two to make a baby, even though Rasheeda now seems to blame only Jasmine...and by extension, Kannon.
Negotiating the tricky politics of blended families is not easy, as Jasmine Washington discovered when she reached out to Rasheeda Frost, the wife of her son Kannon's baby daddy.
It didn't help that Jasmine had had an affair with Kirk Frost, and had a child by him. Rasheeda left Kirk over the betrayal, although the couple eventually reconciled.
Jasmine, whose son Kannon occasionally spent time with Kirk's family - including Rasheeda - reached out as one mother to another and was rebuffed.
Jasmine has expressed sadness over the way Kirk neglects her son Kannon, only spending time with him when the cameras are rolling, and ignoring even his birthday.