Single Mom Puts 'Anti-judgement' Sign on Little Daughter's Back While Shopping during Pandemic
In a bid to preemptively ward off all the parenting police, a single mom in Texas went the extra mile to tape an anti-judging sign on her little daughter's back that explained why they were out shopping during the novel coronavirus pandemic.
The novel coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage cities around the world months after the first case was confirmed in Wuhan China.
In the months that have followed, the world has been brought to a halt as authorities try to limit the spread of the highly contagious COVID-19, making a once simple shopping trip with your 5-year-old daughter, a much more delicate affair.

Illustration of the global coronavirus pandemic. | Source: Pixabay.
Not wanting to deal with the judgemental looks or comments from strangers as she had to pick up groceries with her daughter, a single mom from Texas took a downright hilarious step.
MaryAnn Fausey Resendez, a tattoo shop owner in McAllen, Texas, grabbed a magic marker and aptly explained the situation which was cleverly conveyed on her daughter's back. The message which was written in all capital letters read:
"I am only 5. I can't stay home alone, so I have to buy groceries with Mommy… Before you start judging, stay back 6' feet."
Despite the social distancing measures in place, a trip to the grocery store is, of course, necessary. Still, most officials, and stores themselves, insist that only one adult per household goes shopping.
In most cases, it's preferable to leave kids at home, but that sometimes may not be a viable option, especially for single moms who may not have trusted care or family nearby.
Single mothers in New York City, are struggling with the economic fallout of COVID-19.
It so happens that it was a well thought out plan, and the apt disclaimer achieved its purpose. Resendez and her daughter, BellaRose, didn't receive any unsolicited comment.
Resendez shared a photo of the sign on her Facebook page in a bid to help others that may find themselves in the same situation. The message resonated with other single parents, and quickly went viral with over 43 shares and several comments. One woman wrote:
"I have a 13-year-old, but when she was younger, she went everywhere with me. I am sorry you have to deal with such ignorance from others."
Others took the time to lavish praise on the mom for having her daughter wear a mask during their shopping trips, noting that not all parents take these safety precautions.
Resendez told "TODAY" Parents that she is overwhelmed by the response she has gotten from her post, with so many people identifying with her situation.
In a related development, single mothers in New York City, are struggling with the economic fallout of COVID-19. New York is the most affected city in the whole of the United States.
Many of the industries that have a large number of women in their workforce, such as housekeeping, hospitality, travel, child care, retail, and the service sector, are imploding, leaving the livelihood of many single mothers at risk.