Old Farmer's Almanac Releases 2020-2021 Winter Forecast
The Old Farmer's Almanac has some good news. For winter 2020-2021, the popular reference book predicted warmer temperatures and less snowstorms.
The Old Farmer's Almanac just issued its highly anticipated predictions for winter 2020-21. Their forecast is sure to please many people.
It seems residents in North America will not need a new heavy coat in anticipation of winter. According to the trusted forecaster's prediction, there will be a light winter, with warmer-than-normal temperatures expected for most of the United States.
The Old Farmer's Almanac added that a large portion of Canada would have a cold and frigid winter. However, they explained that rising temperature trends indicate that the winter will be closer to normal.
The forecasters also noted that the coldest temperatures would happen primarily just in the western states and northeastern New England, with generally "wet" precipitation instead of snow across the greater part of the country.
With regards to the 2019-2020 winter season, Almanac authors found out that their prediction was 80.5-percent accurate.

Snow falling on city street | Photo: Getty Images
However, a few areas of the United States, including Northeast, Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, the High Plains, and northern Alaska, will in fact experience some heavier-than-usual snow.
As reported by Country Living, the Old Farmer's Almanac was established in 1792. They have been delivering weather forecasts since George Washington was president.
Every year, the Almanac authors return to see exactly how accurate their predictions were for the previous year, according to Patch. Their accuracy is quite high.
With regards to the 2019-2020 winter season, Almanac authors found out that their prediction was 80.5-percent accurate. It is slightly above their typical 80-percent accuracy.
Robert B. Thomas started the popular publication in 1792. By definition, an almanac records and predicts astronomical events such as tides, weather, and other phenomena concerning time.

View of Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, US, on July 2, 2020. | Photo: Getty Images
People generally assumed that Thomas's astronomical and weather predictions were more accurate since his format was not novel. The publication also included entertaining features.
The last edition released under Thomas was published 1846. It was not much different from his first, released more than five decades earlier.
With him at the helm, The Old Farmer's Almanac became America's leading periodical. It surpassed and outlived its rival publications.
Thomas maintained that sunspots affected climate on Earth. He passed away in 1846 supposedly while reading page proofs for the 1847 edition. He was 80.