Daily Joke: A Muscular Man Met a Woman at a Bar
A man met a beautiful woman while having a drink at the bar. They ended up going home together, and as expected, things got quite steamy between them.
The man took off his shirt, and the woman could not just help but praise him for having a great chest. In response, the man said, "That's 500kg of dynamite."

Group of people gathering inside the bar | Photo: Pexels
Next, the man took off his pants. Once again, the woman praised his calves, and he replied, saying it was 500kg of dynamite. Then, he continued.
The man also took off his underwear, but this time, instead of praising him, the women ran out of the house, screaming. The man then went after her and asked why she ran out. In response, the woman said:
"I was afraid to be around all the dynamite when I saw what a short fuse you have."

Man trying to talk to a lady at the bar. | Photo: Getty Images
Enjoyed that joke? Here's another one about an 85-year-old couple who died after being in good health for about ten years. This was mainly because the woman insisted on them eating healthy and exercise.
After dying, the couple went to heaven, where St Peter guided them to their mansion, which had a beautiful kitchen, a master bedroom, and a spa.

Man standing beside the woman on swing. | Photo: Pexels
Surprised by their luxury house, the older man asked how much they would pay. Almost immediately, St Peter replied to them, saying everything was free.
Next, St Peter took them to check out a golf course at the back of the house, giving them golfing privileges. Even more, the golf course will change weekly, alternating between the best courses on Earth.

Old couple walking while holding hands. | Photo: Pexels
Again, the older man asked how much it would cost, but St Peter reminded them that they are in Heaven, so all the things they will be given are free.
After that, St Peter took the old couple to the clubhouse, where they saw a lavish buffet lunch with many of the world's best cuisine laid out.

Group of people having dinner. | Photo: Pexels
Once again, the older man asked how much it would cost to eat at the buffet. This time, St Peter reiterated that everything in Heaven is free.
The man then asked if there was a cholesterol table, and St Peter happily replied, noting that they could eat anything they want without getting fat or sick.

A silhouette of a young angel. | Photo: Shutterstock
Hearing this, the man lost his temper, shrieking and yelling. His wife and St Peter then tried to calm him down, asking what is wrong. Angrily, the man looked at his wife and said:
"This is all your fault. If it weren't for your blasted bran muffins, I could have been here ten years ago!"

An old couple walking in the park. | Photo: Shutterstock
Enjoyed the two jokes? A related daily joke about two elderly people living in a care home can keep the laughter going.
The pair got to know each other over the years, and eventually, they went out to dinner at the home's activity center. However, things didn't turn out as planned.