Daily Joke: Man Speaks to His Son a Month before His 21st Birthday
Today's joke is about a proud father who revealed their generation's favorite coming of age activity to his son one month before he clocked 21.
Frank was a 20-year-old boy just one month away from hitting 21 when his father called him into his room for a man-to-man chat.
During the chat, the proud father revealed to his son that something always happens to the males in the family during their 21st birthday. The man told Frank that when his grandfather clocked 21, he went to the lake and realized he could walk on water.

Man having a discussion with his son. | Photo: Shutterstock
Frank's uncle, his father's oldest brother, George, also discovered the same strange power when he hit his 21st milestone.
Frank's father also made the same discovery at 21, and so did his other uncles and older brothers. Frank was enthused by the idea of having such an ability.
His mind was filled with all sorts of possibilities, and he could hardly stop thinking about it. The youth's appetite had been whetted, and there would be no rest for him until he made the generational discovery.
One month after father and son had their conversation, Frank clocked 21, and he joined his family on a trip to the lake to perform his newly acquired ability.

Photo of a water splash | Pexels
They got on a boat and rowed themselves into the middle of the large lake and could hardly contain their excitement as Frank took his first step out of the boat. However, instead of seeing him walk, they saw the boy sink.
They wasted no time in pulling him back into the boat, after which Frank said, "I don't get it! You all turn 21, and you can walk on water! I turn 21, and I can't!"

Man touching his hair by the river. | Photo: Pexels
His father stroked his beard, brainstorming on his son's exasperated words. The man went on to explain to his son why the attempt failed.
He said, "Hmm, maybe it's because all the older men in the family, all had their 21st birthday fall in February." Frank's birthday, however, was in July.
Read another funny joke here.