Flowers on a coffin | Source: Shutterstock
Flowers on a coffin | Source: Shutterstock

Daughter Keeps Her Mother’s Dying Wish, Family Hates Her For It

Salwa Nadeem
Jan 12, 2024
06:10 P.M.

A girl opened up about not informing her mother's family about her death. One of her aunts found out after a year and blew up on the girl. She asked other people for help, and they told her what she did was right.


Not knowing about one of your family member's death can come as a great shock to you, especially when you discover the truth after a year. You will feel like the family member didn't want you to be included in their funeral, and that might be true.

White flowers on the ground | Source: Pexels

White flowers on the ground | Source: Pexels

Some people hold grudges against one of their family members because of past events, and they tell their close ones not to invite that person to their funeral. Aged parents usually say this to their children without realizing the consequences.

A Redditor found herself in a similar situation where her mother had distanced herself from her siblings. She told her daughter to keep her death a secret and not invite her family to the funeral. The girl obeyed her mother and never informed her family after she died.


A year later, one of the Redditor's aunts called her and asked about her mother. She told her the truth, which made the aunt furious. She told the rest of the family about it, and everyone thought it was the daughter's fault. They think she hid the news of her death on purpose.

Angry woman talking on video call | Source: Pexels

Angry woman talking on video call | Source: Pexels

The girl mentioned that her mother had distanced herself from her family because they mistreated her. When her mother died, the girl had no other option except to fulfill her mother's wishes.

She did what her mother wanted her to do but didn't know how her relatives would react. Another user pointed out that her aunt checking up on her mother after a year shows how important she was to them.

Withered flower | Source: Unsplash

Withered flower | Source: Unsplash


The Redditor's deceased mother expressed her wishes without realizing the consequences her daughter would face. She didn't imagine what her daughter would go through if her siblings found out about her death.

Hiding the news of her mother's death was hurtful for her aunts, and they blew up on her because they didn't know it was the girl's mother who wanted them not to know.

Sad woman looking down | Source: Pexels

Sad woman looking down | Source: Pexels

A Quora user posted made a post titled "Why don't I want to talk to any of my family?" Soon after, other people shared their experiences. The Redditors acknowledged that some people are introverts, so they prefer not to speak to their family, while others choose not to do it for personal reasons.

Some people also avoid talking to their family members because they have nothing in common. They mostly have awkward conversations where they don't know what to talk about. It's also true that some people find it difficult to talk to people who think differently than they do.


It's also important to remember that not having anything in common doesn't mean you cut all ties with your family members. You can still check up on them once in a while to know if they need any help. It's not wise to isolate yourself from your family unless they are threatening your peace of mind.

Girl talking to elder woman | Source: Pexels

Girl talking to elder woman | Source: Pexels

While Redditor was conflicted about how her aunts reacted to keeping her mother's death a secret, she wondered if she was wrong for obeying her mother's death wish as she was now estranged from her family.

However, she received many reassuring comments from other Redditors. People said she was not wrong and that it showed why her mother never wanted her sisters involved because they only thought of checking up on her after a year.

Fallen leaves on gravestone | Source: Pexels

Fallen leaves on gravestone | Source: Pexels

More Redditors said she honored her mother's wishes and did not owe her aunts any explanation. People further emphasized that the sister's reactions proved why the Redditor's mother never wanted her family at her funeral.


Another commenter said they were estranged from their family and would be upset if someone did not respect their wish not to invite unwanted family members. So, Redditors advised her OP to let go of the guilt and set healthy boundaries for herself.

How to Inform People about the Passing of a Loved One

It's essential for people to think before they tell someone about their family member's death. Before breaking the news, they should tell the other person that they have bad news. It's also important to say "they died" instead of "they have gone to sleep."

Bouquet wrapped in black paper | Source: Pexels

Bouquet wrapped in black paper | Source: Pexels


When telling others about someone's death, people should try to do it face-to-face instead of making calls. This will ensure that you support the person in case they cannot digest the news. Not everyone's reaction will be the same. Some people might need hugs, while others might ask you to leave them alone.

What do you think about this topic? Did the Redditor do the right thing by obeying her mother? Were her relatives at fault? We'd love to know your thoughts. Your comments are appreciated!

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