A woman pierced her child's ears without asking her husband: 'I felt pure rage and immediately removed the earrings'
A man confronted his wife after she had secretly pierced their baby's ears. Her actions infuriated him, and he immediately removed the earrings from their daughter's ears. The couple then got into a big fight over it, and the man felt guilty, so he asked other people for their opinion.
When carefulosophy6 came home one day, he discovered that his wife had pierced their two-month-old daughter's ears without telling him. Since the Redditor's wife came from a culture where this was the norm, she thought it was okay, but the Redditt user didn't see it that way and took them out.
When it comes to piercing a baby's ears, everyone has their own opinions. The decision to do it isn't always straightforward for parents, which is why some prefer to wait until their baby is old enough to decide for themselves. And that's exactly what carefulosophy6 planned to do, but his wife had other ideas.

Source: Amomama
carefulosophy6 recently made a post about a disagreement he had gotten into with his wife. The couple had been debating whether or not to pierce their two-month-old daughter ever since she was born. The Redditor explained that he wasn't comfortable with it and preferred to wait until their daughter was old enough to decide.
The man added that his wife went behind his back and pierced their baby's ears. The Redditor was furious, and in the post, he wrote:
"When I got home the first thing I noticed was that Alicia had a pair of gold studs. I demanded to know what had happened and she said they decided to "make a day of it" and just get them done. I felt pure rage and immediately removed the earrings and threw them away."
The user added that his wife was angered by what he had done and said it was "totally disrespectful." The couple isn't on speaking terms, but the Redditor is convinced that he did the right thing.

Close up photo of woman with pierced ear | Source: Unsplash
As we've briefly mentioned, the debate on whether to pierce a baby's ears splits opinions. On Reddit, user GenjisWife commented on OP's post and supported their decision to remove the piercings. GenjisWife reffered to her own experience and added,
"My ears were pierced as a baby and I really wish they hadn't been - the holes are uneven because my ears grew over time, and one hole is constantly painful/agitated and never heals over, likely damaged from the abomination that is a piercing gun. "
The Redditor pointed out that the wife knew what she was doing was wrong, which is why she didn't discuss it with the OP.

Woman wearing silver earrings | Source: Unsplash
Genji's wife isn't the only person who shares the OP's views on piercing babies. Several mothers on Popsugar have previously voiced out their reservations about it. Adriana G. wrote:
"I will let her decide for herself whenever she wants. Her body, her choice. I was forced to get my ears pierced as a child. I didn't want earrings and I sat in the chair against my will and cried my eyes out. Still remember the pain."
Other mothers on the site believed that the only people who benefit from piercing a young baby's ears are the parents. One of the respondents worked as a professional piercer and said that she doesn't recommend the practice because the baby's ears are still growing, and the piercing may "greatly impact the longevity of the piercing."

Woman holding a baby | Source: Pexels
When is it okay to pierce a baby's ears? Some parents decide to do it when their kids are still young, while others prefer to wait. It really depends on what their parent's beliefs are, and sometimes this can cause a conflict within a home. There are merits to both views.
They acknowledge that piercing a baby when they're still young doesn't benefit them in any way. However, it's also important to respect and take into account the cultural aspect.
For instance, one benefit of waiting until a child is old enough to decide for themselves is that they'll feel empowered by the responsibility. Another benefit is that if they do decide to go through with it, they'll be old enough to take care of the piercing themselves, which may reduce the chances of infection.

Family lying on bed| Source: Unsplash
Alternatively, parents can decide for their baby. Usually, it is safe to pierce a baby's ears after two months. Some parents believe that the earlier, the better. If a parent decides to do this early on in their child's development, they need to take proper care of the piercing to avoid any infections.
The recovery period is usually around a week, so they should be okay as long as the baby doesn't get any infections. The procedure itself is quite safe, especially because of the advances in medicine in recent years. There's no "right" time to pierce a baby's ears. It all depends on what the parents want.
Although, some experts recommend waiting until the child has received all of their vaccinations before attempting to pierce them. Some of the vaccines given to babies at a young age help them fight infections. So it may be a good idea to wait before making the decision.

Sleeping newborn baby | Source: Unsplash
Two years ago, Reddit user 39023293n made a post titled, "Wife wants to pierce my daughter's ears, but I don't.". The user found themselves in a similar situation to the first story. He explained that his wife wants to pierce their two-month-old daughter's ears despite his reservations about it. 39023293n wrote:
"I immediately tried to discourage this. I have memories of my baby sister being taken for a piercing when I was a kid, and being held down and screaming when it was taking place. I have absolutely no desire to put Emily through that."
The man added that his wife thinks they would make their daughter ''so cute''. He also said that his wife has an Indian heritage, and in her culture, piercing babies is a norm. The user wants them to wait until she's older and doesn't know how to tell his wife. After the post, Reddit user jet_heller replied:
Jet_heller's response echoes what some people feel about the subject. They acknowledge that piercing a baby when they're still young doesn't benefit them in any way. However, it's also important to respect and take into account the cultural aspect.
It's hard to say whether piercing a baby's ears is right or wrong. It all depends on their parents' beliefs. What we do know is that the procedure is safe, and there's a minimal risk of infection. What's your take on this subject? Please leave a comment and let us know.