School bully mocks classmate, the boy musters courage & lures him into an alley | Shutterstock
School bully mocks classmate, the boy musters courage & lures him into an alley | Shutterstock

Day by Day School Bully Mocks 8-Year-Old Boy — The Boy Gains Courage and Lures Him into an Alley

Rita Kumar
Feb 03, 2022
07:00 A.M.

An 8-year-old boy musters the courage to lure his school bully into an alley and show him he was messing with the wrong person.


One guy took to Reddit’s “ProRevenge” to share a perfect revenge story about his victory against a notorious school bully.

Redditor MrRyan666 was compelled to relocate from Canada to Texas since his dad was promoted to a better position. However, little did he know that he’d have to go out of his way to tackle his bully there.

OP relocates to Texas & enrolls in a new school | Photo: Shutterstock

OP relocates to Texas & enrolls in a new school | Photo: Shutterstock

The Original Poster (OP) was eight and probably a second or third grader when he had no idea his parents had planned to check him out of school.

Eventually, OP had to leave his friends and a lot of other family members in Canada to pursue a new life in a sun-soaked Texas.

After moving in, he was carried away by the new house as it was bigger than his apartment in Canada. Amidst all that excitement, he’d forgotten he had to go to school the following week and had no friends there.

OP had to return to school in a week & still had no friends | Photo: Pexels

OP had to return to school in a week & still had no friends | Photo: Pexels

The neighborhood was lined up with houses, and OP’s immediate neighbor was a cop. His son Jonathan, 8, and OP became buddies over time.

After the summer break, the two boys returned to school, and Jonathan showed OP around, eventually warning him to stay away from Ken—the notorious school bully.

After listening, the cop suggested OP “set up a sting” to teach the bully a lesson.

Ken was 4’ 2” tall and looked hefty compared to OP. So, it was evident for OP to maintain a step back from Ken, considering his infamy among fellow students. On their first day of school, OP and Ken were in the same class.

OP and the school bully attended Miss Maddy's class on his first day of school | Photo: Pexels

OP and the school bully attended Miss Maddy's class on his first day of school | Photo: Pexels


Unfortunately, OP didn’t know who Ken was though he made eye contact with a tall classmate. To his dismay, the boy turned and snapped at him, asking what he wanted.

OP thought it was rude and expletive. The school year went on with Ken’s bullying commencing a few months later.

OP said he was on the swing set when Ken walked over and pushed him off. OP landed with a thud on the sand face-first while Ken and his buddies laughed aloud.

Ken arrived with his friends to push OP off the swing | Photo: Pexels

Ken arrived with his friends to push OP off the swing | Photo: Pexels

The furious Redditor then stormed to his dad and told him what had happened. However, when OP’s dad informed the principal, she refused to take action without any proof. And since she was Ken’s grandmother, OP thought she would not put her grandson in trouble.


Ken started bullying OP daily despite the dad asking Miss Maddy, their school teacher, to watch. Once, Jonathan helped OP push off Ken and became the bully’s next target.

OP's dad reached out to the principal | Photo: Pexels

OP's dad reached out to the principal | Photo: Pexels

Then OP remembered that Jonathan’s dad was a cop and reached out to him about the matter. The cop suggested OP “set up a sting” to teach the bully a lesson. He had no idea what that meant. OP then devised a plan with Jonathan after the cop elaborated on what he meant.

The next day, OP and Jonathan saw Ken approach them and quickly ran past him while shouting about meeting at the back of the alley to trade a Pokémon card.

Since Pokémon cards in school were traded for a bit of money, OP knew Ken wanted that card and would go to any extent to possess it.

OP & Jonathan had a plan in mind & run past Ken | Photo: Unsplash

OP & Jonathan had a plan in mind & run past Ken | Photo: Unsplash

As planned, Jonathan and OP met at the corner street at 5 p.m. Around ten minutes later, Ken arrived with his buddies. One guy from the gang walked over and said, “Hey, give me the card, and no one gets hurt.”

Meanwhile, a white pick-up pulled over close by, and nobody noticed. OP refused to hand over the card, and moments later, Ken sprinted with the others and head-butted him.

Just then, Jonathan’s dad, his partner, and a child services worker jumped out of the pick-up and rushed to the scene with handcuffs.

Cops arrived to the scene with handcuffs | Photo: Pixabay

Cops arrived to the scene with handcuffs | Photo: Pixabay


Ken and his friends were arrested. But according to their plan, the cop didn’t intend to arrest the boys but only wanted to scare them.

Moments later, a scared Ken burst into tears, apologizing and promising he would never bully anyone again. However, it was too late.

A squad car arrived later and took Ken and his gang to Juvi. The boys were put in a holding cell and showed around if they wanted to join the other kids there.

Ken & his friends were taken to the Juvi | Photo: Unsplash

Ken & his friends were taken to the Juvi | Photo: Unsplash

After a dramatic episode of tears and apologies, Ken and his friends were sent away with their parents. The principal was investigated for allowing bullying in the school premises, eventually making Ken switch places.


Meanwhile, the users in the sub flooded OP’s story with mixed opinions, and some of them even shared similar experiences that didn’t have a good ending like OP’s.

After warning them, the cops sent Ken & his friends with their parents | Photo: Unsplash

After warning them, the cops sent Ken & his friends with their parents | Photo: Unsplash

“Lucky you to get such caring adults! I got bullied badly for four years of school in my teens, and the adults barely did a thing,” recounted one user, adding:

“It got to the point that the teachers would see it happen right in front of them and would ignore it completely.”

“Wow, this is one of the best revenge stories I’ve seen in a while,” wrote Redditor MineTurtle.

“Ken’s buddies, then in middle school and high school, became straight-A students and were friendly with everyone,” OP concluded, adding the moral—"Don’t bully my friends and me!"

Ken moved to another place while his friends straightened up | Photo: Unsplash

Ken moved to another place while his friends straightened up | Photo: Unsplash

Questions to Ponder:

Had the principal taken the right stand, would it have helped Ken straighten his ways?

OP said that although his dad informed the principal about the bullying incident, she refused to look into the matter without proof. Also, Ken was the principal’s grandson, and OP thought it was apparent she didn’t want to put him in trouble. However, it’s still guesswork if Ken would’ve rectified his ways and stopped bullying fellow students had the principal taken the right stand for OP.

Do you think Ken would stop bullying again?

OP stated that Ken vowed not to bully anyone again after being arrested. Afterward, Ken moved while his friends straightened up and became friendly with everyone. However, it’s anybody’s guess if Ken genuinely stopped bullying people again. What would you do if someone bullied you? How differently would you remind them not to mess with you again?

If you liked this story, here’s how a teacher learned not to kick his students’ belongings after a boy brings a bag of bricks to class.

All images are for illustration purposes only. Would you mind sharing your story with us? It might change someone’s life. If you’d like to share your story, please mail it to info@amomama.com.


news.AmoMama.com does not support or promote any kind of violence, self-harm, or abusive behavior. We raise awareness about these issues to help potential victims seek professional counseling and prevent anyone from getting hurt. news.AmoMama.com speaks out against the above mentioned and news.AmoMama.com advocates for a healthy discussion about the instances of violence, abuse, sexual misconduct, animal cruelty, abuse etc. that benefits the victims. We also encourage everyone to report any crime incident they witness as soon as possible.

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