Mother-In-Law Spies on Couple through Baby Cam in Their Bedroom – They Accidentally Find Out Months Later
Relationships with the in-laws can be complicated. But when your in-laws do unforgivable things, those relationships can be completely destroyed. Here is Kiyah's story on how her in-laws tried to make her life unbearable.
Conflicts between wives and their mothers-in-law are probably the most prominent kind of conflict that takes place within in-law relationships. Mothers-in-law can be challenging and demanding, some more than others.
For the most part, their actions are forgivable and even understandable. There are, however, some rare occasions when the actions of a mother-in-law are completely unforgivable, and the actions of Kiyah Ramirez's mother-in-law are certainly right up there.

A couple looks lovingly at an old lady. | Source: Getty Images
Kiyah, who goes by "kiyahramirez1" on TikTok, told the story of her mother-in-law in a viral four-part video series titled "Monster-In-Law." She used the popular "put a finger down if..." trend to tell this harrowing tale.
This trend normally highlights the relatable parts of everyday life, but Kiyah's story was far from relatable. Kiyah kicked off the first video by explaining that when she and her fiance got engaged, everything was blissful between Kiyah and her fiance's family.
She continued to explain that her family also got along very well with her fiance's family. But things changed dramatically when she fell pregnant with twins.

A pregnant woman. | Source: Getty Images
A few days before Kiyah and her fiance were meant to go on a trip with her in-laws, she decided to break the exciting news of her pregnancy to them. But their reaction was anything but pleasant.
She couldn't understand their negative reaction but decided to let things cool off before questioning her in-laws about their anger.
Soon afterward, Kiyah called her parents to share the news of her pregnancy. They were thrilled for Kiyah and her husband and excited about soon meeting new grandkids.

A worried-looking woman. | Source: Getty Images
But Kiyah couldn't shake off her in-laws' reaction to her announcement. The following day, she spoke with her father over the phone about their reaction. Kiyah's dad advised her not to take her in-laws' reactions personally. He said:
"some people can sometimes just be weird about things and family dynamics are different."
Kiyah felt a little better after the phone conversation with her dad. About 30 minutes later, her husband got home from work and told her that his parents refused to meet with them for the trip they planned for that weekend.

A woman speaking with her father. | Source: Getty Images
When Kiyah asked her partner why his parents suddenly changed their minds about the upcoming trip, he explained that they told him that he allowed Kiyah to speak terribly about them.
This explanation confused the couple, but they decided to let it go. A few moments later, Kiyah's fiance stepped into the shower. But after a few minutes, he stepped out and made a weird face at Kiyah while asking which room she was speaking with her father in earlier that day.
Kiyah explained that she spoke with her dad in their bedroom, and her fiance suddenly ran into the bedroom and picked up the baby cam that Kiyah's mother-in-law set up for them between six and eight months earlier.

Three people arguing. | Source: Getty Images
Kiyah and her fiance reasoned that the mother-in-law wouldn't dare spy on them. But as it turned out, she definitely was! Kiyah's fiance logged into the baby cam's profile to see which registered users were signed in as registered users.
His mother's email address was signed in as a registered user, which meant that she could access the baby cam from her phone whenever she wanted to.
This revelation stunned the couple, but things were not about to get better. Kiyah's in-laws started sharing the recordings they saved from spying on the couple with the extended family. They also began blackmailing them about the things they said about them.

A couple with their child. | Source: Getty Images
In another video of her TikTok series, Kiyah elaborated on the reasons that her in-laws were so angry about her pregnancy:
"They were upset about his particular pregnancy because the child I had before [the twins] was not their biological grandchild."
Kiyah and her fiance both had older children from previous relationships. Her pregnancy with her twins was the couple's first pregnancy together, and this clearly angered Kiyah's mother-in-law.

Three people arguing. | Source: Getty Images
Kiyah also revealed that her partner was going through custody challenges with his ex, and her partner's mother was way too involved in the situation and even got into a physical altercation with the older child's mother.
She also revealed that her fiance's mother never allowed him to purchase anything in his name when he was younger. He didn't think much of it until, in 2021, Kiyah and her fiance wanted to buy a car.
"We noticed his credit looked a little weird. Come to find out, a $47,000 loan was taken out in his name in 2015 when he had a scholarship to play basketball," Kiyah said.

People entering into a loan agreement. | Source: Getty Images
In the final video of her viral "Monster-In-Law" TikTok series, Kiyah revealed that it was just her mother-in-law who behaved completely inappropriately.
She recalled the story of when her sister-in-law asked her if she was responsible enough to have three kids. The sister-in-law also said that Kiyah was incredibly selfish for "splitting" all this time between all of the children.
Kiyah concluded that she was glad she found out how horrible her in-laws were before she gave birth to her twins so that she could draw clear boundaries with them

A dad with twin sons. | Source: Getty Images
Her story also shows us that some people will not change and the best thing to do for one's health, is to create strong boundaries with them and move on. Have you ever discovered that someone crossed your boundaries?
Click here to read a story about a woman who caught her fiance cheating with his married co-worker on her wedding day.