
Man Adopts Baby with Down Syndrome Abandoned by Ex-wife, Years Later Learns of Child’s $4M Legacy — Story of the Day

Roshanak Hannani
Sep 09, 2022
02:30 P.M.

A man discovered that his ex-wife had abandoned their baby born with Down Syndrome and rushed to adopt her. Years later, someone called and revealed news of a legacy he never expected.


"Savannah did what? Mrs. Brown, that can't be true! Motherhood was her dream!" Jamie almost yelled into his phone. His ex-mother-in-law had called him and revealed the most shocking news he had ever heard.

Years ago, he married the love of his life, Savannah, and they tried for a long time to get pregnant. When they couldn't, the couple went to a fertility clinic, only to discover that Jamie would never be able to father a baby. Despite this, he wanted to try other options like a donor or adoption.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

But Savannah refused, and after two months, she left him. Two years later, Jamie heard the news that she got married to an old friend, Cameron, who they knew from their high school in Texas. Although the information pained him, he was happy for her. Maybe now she would have her dream family.


However, Savannah's mother, Mrs. Brown, had called him out of the blue. She was a lovely woman who supported them through everything and frowned at her daughter for abandoning her first husband just because he couldn't be a biological father. They hadn't spoken in a long time, but she told him something Jamie had never expected.

One day, Jamie received a call from a lawyer while he was at work, and his blood ran cold when he heard who his client was.

"It's true!" Mrs. Brown wailed desperately. "No one in the family had any idea she was doing this. I can't believe this!"

Her sobs were hard to hear, but what she revealed was even worse. Savannah and her husband had gotten pregnant, and they delivered a beautiful girl. However, the prenatal checks missed something, and even the doctors were baffled because these screenings were so accurate. Their baby had Down Syndrome, and Mrs. Brown was crying because they gave the baby up.

It didn't make sense. Savannah craved being a mother more than anything, so much so that she left Jamie for another man.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Mrs. Brown, you should call someone. I'm sure there are legal ways to get the baby back. She's in foster care, right?" Jamie asked as he sat on the sofa, wiping his forehead. This situation shouldn't have affected him, but he felt something terrible in his soul over this.

"Yes, she's in foster care, and I know where, but I can't do anything, Jamie. Dear, I live in a senior community. Babies are not allowed, and Savannah would cut me off if I tried. I can't lose my daughter too," Mrs. Brown explained. "I just… I don't know why I called, though. I'm sorry. I know this is not your problem, and I'm not your family anymore."

"You'll always be my family, Mrs. Brown," Jamie reassured, and they talked for a few more minutes. On a whim, he asked her where the baby was and if she had the number of her case worker. Mrs. Brown obliged, confused.

"What are you going to do?" she wondered, sniffling.

Jamie paused for a second and thought about her question thoroughly, looking around his bachelor apartment, which he had gotten after selling his home with Savannah. It had modern furniture and a few plants, but mostly, it felt empty now that he stared at it. Finally, he knew what to tell Mrs. Brown.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"The right thing," Jamie replied and said goodbye to his ex-mother-in-law.


The following year of his life was a whirlwind of paperwork, training, reading, diapers, doctor visits, consultations with specialists, and more. But Jamie focused on the baby's laughter, the tiny clothes, the toys strewn across his home, and the feeling of being a father.

He fostered Savannah's girl, Eleanor, and was waiting for the hearing to adopt her officially. His baby girl was the best gift the world had given him, and he couldn't imagine not having her in his life. Her condition was challenging, but he studied and worked with specialists to do what was best for her. He wouldn't change things for the entire world. Jamie was her father… forever.


Mrs. Brown often sent them presents and visited when she could, and as far as he knew, Savannah had no idea he was caring for the baby. She and her husband had given up their rights and signed all the papers; this was a closed-adoption process.

After the adoption was finalized, one of Jamie's neighbors contacted her cousin, a newswoman named Marie from a local broadcast station. She was told about Jamie and his adopted daughter and later came to interview her for a segment. He didn't reveal who the baby's mother was.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The interview turned out to be more. After their conversation, Marie asked Jamie on a date. Two years later, they got married, and Marie became the best mom to Eleanor. Jamie couldn't ask for more. His life was so beautiful, demanding, exhausting, joyful, and crazy, and he wouldn't change a thing.


Until one day, Jamie received a call from a lawyer while he was at work. His blood ran cold when he heard who the lawyer's client was. "You're working for Mr. Higgins?"

Mr. Higgins was Cameron's father, and he knew he was a wealthy man. This couldn't be good news. He immediately thought Savannah and her husband were looking to regain custody of Eleanor. This couldn't be happening. He wouldn't allow it. She was his daughter.

"Yes," the lawyer confirmed. "Mr. Higgins has set up a legacy for his granddaughter, Eleanor, and I need to meet with you to arrange all the details about handling it and using it for your daughter," the lawyer revealed.

Jamie's stiffness eased, but he was confused.

"Wait, Mr. Higgins knows that I'm Eleanor's father now?" he asked, frowning.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Yes, and between you and me, he was not happy about his son and his wife did. He didn’t get a chance to meet Eleanor because he was out of the country for a time. But Savannah's mother told him what happened, so he set out to find his granddaughter," the lawyer explained, and Jamie finally understood.

They talked for a few more minutes about the meeting and what needed to be signed. And as they were about to end the call, Jamie had to ask, "Sir, if you don't mind my asking, how much is my daughter getting?"

"Ah yes. Right now, $4 million, and I expect Mr. Higgins to do add more later," the man revealed, and Jamie's heart started to beat too quickly, but his soul soared. This was life-changing money.

Jamie and his wife made ok money, but they weren't rich. Eleanor needed some unique therapy he was saving for, and now, she could finally get it. His baby would never have to worry.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Oh my god. Listen, sir. Tell Mr. Higgins that he can visit if he wants. Mrs. Brown does sometimes, and he is welcome too. Eleanor deserves to know how generous her grandfather is with her," Jamie offered, and the lawyer agreed to pass the news.

When the call ended, Jamie rang his wife. "Sweetie, you won't believe this…."

What can we learn from this story?

  • Doing something you never expected can be the best decision of your life. Jamie did not wish to adopt a girl – especially not his ex-wife's abandoned baby – but he did it, and his life became terrific.
  • Good deeds are always rewarded. The universe will reward people who do good things expecting nothing in return.

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If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a single dad who adopted a boy with down syndrome and received a huge gift later.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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