Fuller House' star breaks the silence on the life-threatening emergency that put her on the verge
Even though people are supposed to have a good time during vacations, things can go wrong quickly and unexpectedly.
Marla Sokoloff, one of the stars of Fuller House, knows it firsthand. For Christmas, she and her husband, Alec Puro, went to Mexico. A couple of days before they went back to the U.S., Puro started feeling something strange in his arm.
Entertainment Daily reported that, since they ate different meals they were not used to, they thought the tightness and swelling in his arm were just the results of an allergic reaction.
They decided not to pay attention to it at that moment and pointed out that they would take care of it when they got back home in Los Angeles. Sokoloff admitted that they were in denial as it was not an allergic reaction.
Once the couple got in the plane, Puro's entire arm was completely purple. As soon as they arrived at Los Angeles, they rushed to the hospital. It turned out to be a life-threatening blood clot in his lung.
In order to save his life, he underwent several surgeries and stayed for a week in the ICU before starting to recover. Sokoloff confessed that things could have been handled differently.
One of the aspects she mentioned was the couple's daughters, Elliotte, 6, and Olive, 2. They had been a lot of time without seeing their father and they started showing their concern by having temper tantrums.
Several friends and family members tried to help her by offering food and company to the girls and the pet while Sokoloff was at the hospital but she kept refusing them saying that she was good.
Finally, she admitted that she was 'far from good' and that she should have accepted the help because she really needed it.
'The truth is, I may never be able to ask for help, but I can honestly say that I can now comfortably explore the idea of accepting it.'
Marla Sokoloff, Entertainment Daily, March 14, 2018.