Turpin family: Children released from hospital into foster care
The 13 siblings are enjoying their freedom for the first time after being rescued from a house where they were held captive for the majority of their lives.
The thirteen Turpin siblings, who were rescued from a 'house of horrors,' where they had been tortured and abused, have now been released from the hospital following their treatment and recovery process.
According to Faith Family America, the siblings are now enjoying their freedom and have been under the care of a foster home in California.
The 13 children and young adults from the ages 2 to 29 were allegedly held captive in a house in southern California for the most part of their lives and, besides keeping in social isolation, were tortured, starved, neglected, and shackled.
Police entered the home on January 14, 2018, and arrested the parents of the children who had committed such hideous crime.
The six children and seven adult children were then taken to two Riverside-area hospitals, where they underwent physical and psychological treatment.
They were treated for the effects of long-term malnutrition, inadequate knowledge about normal life, and inability to make own decisions. For two months, they underwent these treatments and now have been finally released to live a free life.
The children have now been split because no one could take the responsibility of all the sibling at once. The source revealed that two of the youngest children are at one foster home while the older four are at another.
Similarly, the seven adult siblings have been taken to a rural home, which has not been disclosed. They are being supervised by a public guardian and their attorney, the source informed.
They are also enjoying the popular movies for the first time in their life and have been chatting with each other on Skype. The siblings have stated that they would like to spend more time outdoors and are learning about making basic daily decisions.
They now want to complete their education and find themselves a job so that they can be independent and truly 'succeed in the world.'