Grandpa lines up with 2 little girls. Minutes later, they thrilled the viewers with their performance
Children can learn a lot from their grandparents. This grandfather proved that the generation gap doesn't bother him at all.
On November 18, 2017, Enrico Morini shared a video clip with his YouTube followers, featuring an unidentified grandfather dancing with his grandchildren in a busy city park.
The video went viral and has since been viewed more than 350,000 times in the five months it's been online, much to the delight of netizens from all across the world.
Faith Tap reported that the crowd gathered around the park, and enthusiastic cheers can be heard from the audience as the dancing team performs their carefully choreographed routine.
The trio danced to a modern pop song and gave an unforgettable performance comprised of synchronized movements and well-rehearsed choreography.
The grandfather looked dashing in a black outfit with trendy sneakers and white gloves, while the two girls chose matching red dresses and black pants for the memorable occasion.
According to Aged Care Report Card, senior citizens can benefit greatly by following a weekly dance routine and are encouraged to incorporate it into their everyday lives.
Dancing regularly will improve balance and flexibility while also reducing the risk of suffering a heart attack or chronic disease.
Not only is good the physical body, but dancing also boosts brain power while keeping dementia at bay. Additional tasks such as sports and language classes will provide an extra boost.
While dancing can be fun, it also reduces the depression and other forms of mental illness; it provides a buffer for feeling socially isolated.
Senior citizens who attend regular dancing classes or programs will form social connections within their community, which in turn will lift their spirits and act as a natural mood stabilizer.