Anxious mother missed her flight, and it led her to finding the perfect woman to adopt her baby
Temple Phipps became a mother in the most unexpected way when she adopted the baby of a pregnant woman she met on a plane.
Samantha Snipes was a scared 24-year-old who was worried about her unborn baby's future. She missed the plane from Atlanta to Raleigh when she was 8 months pregnant.
According to Good News Network, the woman gave her newborn baby up for adoption to the woman she met while on a Delta Airlines flight.
Snipes had to wait for the last standby seat on a Delta flight, where she was placed next to a woman named Temple Phipps.
Phipps had already met with adoption agencies while considered becoming a foster parent, but she was having problems to achieve it due to the fact that she was a single woman.
On the plane, the two women had a long conversation, in which the young mother-to-be expressed her indecision between putting her unborn baby up for adoption or allow a family member to raise it.
Phipps gave Snipes her phone number, claiming that if she needed anything while in Raleigh. Three days later, Samantha was in a labor room.
She called Phipps and asked if she would visit them in the hospital, and once the 40-year-old woman saw the baby boy in the maternity ward, she immediately knew that was her baby.
According to Daily Mail, Vaughn Preston Phipps was adopted in August 2017 and his biological mother moved to North Carolina to help raise him.
"He looks so happy. She looks so happy. What do I want to do?. It's really scary, but it's the best thing I could have done in my life," Snipes said.
These two could write a book about their unusual first meeting. In Raleigh, Snipes started a photography business and takes photos of Vaughn with Phipps regularly.