Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Royal wedding mocked on Twitter
With the Royal Wedding on everyone's mind across the globe, social media users were busy covering the highlight wedding in their own way.
A tweet about the Royal Wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle posted by comedian J. Cyrus on May 20 went viral on social media. It garnered over 92,000 likes and over 16,000 retweets.
Among many memes that emerged on the Internet mocking the Royal Wedding, the tweet from Cyrus was one of the most popular and hilarious. In the Tweet, he compared Markle's long wedding train with a receipt from CVS pharmacy.
The photograph posted by Cyrus showed Prince Harry leading his wife Markle down the stairs with her 16-foot-long train trailing at full length behind them. The comedian captioned the photograph by writing, 'When you marry a cvs receipt.'
Once his post went viral, Cyrus even posted his promotional tweet by creating a thread below his viral post.
Another Twitter user, Kathleen, arranged two completely together photographs together to create a hilarious moment.
One of her photographs revealed Harry and Markle in their carriage, where the Prince is smiling and waving while Markle is looking up with her one hand to her heart, seemingly shocked. Another snapshot was of the actor Steve Carrel looking down from a high rooftop.
She captioned the photograph: 'my favorite moment of the day.'
Another Tweet showed a photograph of Markle and Harry still on the carriage with Markle looking at the camera with a slightly satisfactory smile.
Twitter user, Joe, captioned the photograph by writing, 'Me when one of zany schemes finally pays off.' The tweet has so far gathered over 105,000 likes and over 13,000 retweets.
Joe also created a thread beneath his funny post and took time to praise the Duchess of Sussex. He wrote that Markle was 'not only a beautiful royal' but also a successful actress.