Meet President Trump’s grandson Luke who is said to noticeably resemble his grandad
Eric Trump and his wife Lara welcomed their first child Luke last year. Fans have noticed that he takes after his grandfather, President Donald Trump.
Since his arrival, his parents cannot help but boast about their tot on social media. Lara shares regular updates on Instagram, while Eric prefers Twitter.
When Luke was one month old, he was introduced to the world when Ainsley Earhardt from Fox and Friends paid him a visit.
As he gets older, the similarities become more noticeable. One one of her recent posts, fans were quick to point out that he inherited his grandfather's hair!
An Instagram user known as Kurusz said 'out of all of the Trump grandchildren, I think he most resembles his granddad,' while J Milano added that Luke is adorable.
Michelle Hauke joked that his hair reminds her of someone, while Danagolio said 'what a doll, looks just like Grandpa!'
Eric Trump was recently away from home for five days while visiting St Jude's Children Research Hospital, The Trump Vegas Hotel and the Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles.
He said on Twitter that he missed his son tremendously while away and couldn't wait to return home. 'Truly amazing how having a kid change your life,' he said.
The 34-year-old father-of-one oversees the daily operation of the Trump Organization and its assets with his older brother, Donand Jr.
Luke is President Trump's ninth grandchild and was born on September 12, 2017. It is the first time in 25 years that a President has entered the White House with so many grandchildren.
According to Five Thirty Eight, President George H.W Bush had ten grandchildren; he served as Vice President from 1981 until 1989, and as the 41st President from 1989 until 1993.
President William Henry Harrison, the 9th President of the United States, had 25 grandchildren when he was sworn into office in 1841. He only served for 31 days before dying of pneumonia at the age of 68.