
Intimate moment young Queen Elizabeth brought to tears when she was 14

Nov 28, 2018
08:20 A.M.

Queen Elizabeth has always maintained the image of a calm and composed person in front of media and in the public domain. However, a biographical book did mention the account of her rare emotional breakdown as a 14-year-old girl.


According to Mirror, a biography on Winston Churchill, titled “Walking With Destiny,” written by Andrew Roberts, disclosed about the moment when young Elizabeth – then only a princess – was down to tears.

The book revealed that it happened because of an emotional speech delivered by one of the former British Prime Ministers during the period of World War II.

As a teenage princess, Elizabeth closely followed the politics and the war effort during the Second World War.

On May 10, 1940, Neville Chamberlain resigned as the Prime Minister after losing a confidence vote in the House of Commons because of disastrous Norwegian campaign.

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Earlier that year, the Allies were planning to capture the northern part of neutral Norway as well as some iron mines in northern Sweden, which was a source for Germany to obtain its ore.

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However, Germany as well wanted to take the same region under its control. So it began the invasion of Norway after occupying Denmark on April 9.

The Allies sent its troops to Norway but Germany’s soldiers defeated them with the sheer number as they already overran the country. On April 26, the Allies troops were called back which prompted a question at Chamberlain’s leadership.

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Following his retirement, and further recommended Elizabeth’s father, King George VI, to assign Winston Churchill as his replacement. Churchill became the Prime Minister for the rest of the war.

However, it was Chamberlain’s resignation speech, broadcasted throughout the nation, which deeply moved young Elizabeth.

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Chamberlain stated, "For the hour has now come when we are to be put to the test, as the innocent people of Holland, Belgium, and France are being tested already.”

He added, "And you and I must rally behind our new leader, and with our united strength, and with unshakable courage fight, and work until this wild beast, which has sprung out of his lair upon us, has been finally disarmed and overthrown."


Author Roberts mentions in his book that Elizabeth later confessed to her mother that Chamberlain’s speech had moved her to tears.

Meanwhile, the war continued for five more years and, eventually, Elizabeth actively participated in it. When she was 18, she was allowed to join the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service as the only female member of the royal family to join the armed forces, according to Mirror.

Today, the 92-year-old royalty is still surprising her loyal followers and public with her age-defying spirit and resilient sense of duty. Recently, the Queen made headlines after she went horse riding alongside Prince Phillip in the chilly November air.

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