
Daily Joke: A Woman Takes Her Teenage Daughter to the Doctor

Tichafa Chidzonga
Jan 07, 2020
01:30 P.M.

Every stage of pregnancy has its own unique experiences, whether it's the surprising moment you find or the first hours after giving birth.


In a hilarious turn of events, a teenager and young women have very mysterious circumstances surrounding their pregnancies.

Doctor avoids 2000-year-old diagnosis

Concerned about her teenage daughter's health, a woman takes her to the doctor. Looking at his patient, the doctor asked the women to explain her concerns about her child's health. The mother answered:

"It's my daughter. She keeps getting these cravings, she's putting on weight and she is sick most mornings."

Mother looks loving at her daughter as the stand side by side, in London, England | Source: Getty Images 

Mother looks loving at her daughter as the stand side by side, in London, England | Source: Getty Images

After giving the girl a full examination, the doctor turns to her mother to give his diagnosis. Trying to break the news as easily as he can to the mother, he braces her for the news.

The doctor tells the mother that her teenager is pregnant. Certain with his findings, he goes on to say that she is about four months along in her pregnancy.


Clearly shocked by the news the mother shouted back at the doctor that she doesn't think that her daughter could be pregnant because she has never her left her alone with a man.


She turns to her daughter, who confirms her mother's claims. The girl reassured her mother that she has never been alone with a man, and admitted to never having kissed a man before.

Stunned by what he is hearing from the family, the doctor walked over to a window for a long stare outside. Concerned about his response, the mother asked if there was anything wrong to which he replied:

"No, not at all. It's just that the last time anything like this happened, a star appeared in the east and three wise men came over the hill. I just don't want to miss it this time around!"


DNA technology can be a pain

A pregnant woman and her husband arrive at the hospital, where the doctors inform her about the new technology they have, which will give some of her pain to the baby's father.

After signing up for it, her husband is given 20%, and she starts to give birth. After some time, she feels nothing and decides to take as much of his wife's pain as possible.

With the pain all transferred to the baby's father, the woman gave birth painlessly. The couple eventually leave the hospital with their new baby.

As they arrived at their home, the women and her husband find lying on their front porch, the mailman passed out and looking to be in severe discomfort.

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