Woman Sets Hidden Camera to Spy on Boyfriend, Recognizes a Friend on the Tape with Her Lover
Infidelity is heartbreaking, and many times, victims try to understand why their seemingly perfect relationship was rocked by such appalling behavior. It is even more painful when it involves a partner and friend.
Watch how this young lady handles the situation after setting a hidden camera to spy on her boyfriend and catching him with her best friend.
Being in a romantic relationship with a perfect partner is bliss. However, like everything else in life, sometimes, such healthy relationships that might have lasted for years can face a turbulent situation.

Picture of TikTok user, Shauna Donna | Source: tiktok.com/@shaunadonna20
It could involve losing a partner to an illness or accident. However these losses come, the other partner can always hold on to memories shared. But when it involves losing a lover to a stranger, or in this case, a friend, that can be devastating.
Shauna Donna, a prominent TikTok user with thousands of followers, is in this category. She had been dating her lover for ten years, and while they had withstood many challenges like infidelity on his part, their relationship could not survive its last blow.

Picture of TikTok user, Shauna Donna | Source: tiktok.com/@shaunadonna20
Shauna had a close friend whom she had known for four years. The latter needed a place to stay, and Shauna played the good guy. Shockingly, this friend became intimate with her boyfriend, leading Shauna to evict the pair from her home.
The details from the genesis of when the hidden camera was planted to when they left her home are shared on her TikTok page, and fans have been chiming in with words of encouragement and support.

Picture of TikTok user, Shauna Donna's friend | Source: tiktok.com/@shaunadonna20
In the first shared TikTok clip, Shauna tells her followers that the reason she decided to play private investigator in her home was because of a gut feeling.
Although she never imagined that her friend would be entangled in the web, she believed her boyfriend was sneaking a former partner into the home.
The TikToker explained that neither of the culprits knew about the plan and that her next move was to confront them with the video (knowing that they would deny it at first until proof is seen).
As promised, Shauna reached out to her followers the following day. But rather than share the clip of the confrontation, she showed her face, a little teary-eyed, and some sniffling was heard in the background.
Shauna admitted that the confrontation went down with a fight, and as expected, the culprits denied it. However, now that the house was back to being her personal space, the young lady mentioned that she felt great and was ready to resume her life—getting her nails done and having fun.
A few hours later, Shauna updated her TikTok followers with short footage of her and her ex-best friend fighting while her ex-lover tried to separate them.

Picture of TikTok user, Shauna Donna, confronting her friend | Source: tiktok.com/@shaunadonna20
It was hard to accept that her lover of many years would cheat on her with a dear friend, but Shauna was ready to experience freedom following the breakup, and she had no time to harbor hate.
Instead, she has been living freely and seems happy with herself. Shauna could be seen rocking a casual outfit in a shared update while strutting like a model. The accompanying caption read:
"The streets welcoming me back after a failed 10 year relationship."
One of the first pieces of advice from Dr. Jennifer Rhodes, while speaking to Bustle on cheating, is to remain calm and phone a trusted friend. She explains that a victim often needs support and must never act impulsively.
Rhodes condemned going to social media for help as the first resolution. She added that if it involved a married couple, they must seek professional help and build a team that would handle a confrontation.
According to Anita Chlipala, a relationship coach and therapist, another word for victims of infidelity is that they must never dance around the truth.
If they found evidence, the culprit must show it rather than force them to admit the truth. She also advised not telling anyone, as it could bounce back if one agrees to work things out with the cheating spouse.
Rachel Astarte, a clinical hypnotherapist, author, and educator, told Bustle that first, couples should establish their dealbreakers and that when cheating occurs, they must seek professional help.
Astarte maintained that some couples become stronger after such episodes, while others have separated. She added that seeking therapy helps heal the affected parties, whatever option is picked.
One of the most critical processes is the healing, which according to Shlomo Slatkin, founder of the "Marriage Restoration Project," would commence once the affair stops.
He advised that the victim must be sure the affair no longer exists if he or she intends to remain in it. If it continues, the affected party must be willing to leave and heal.