
Mom wins $16 million lawsuit against hospital because nurse tried to push the baby back in

Edduin Carvajal
Mar 13, 2018
02:55 P.M.

Delivering a child is often considered by many mothers as a painful yet beautiful experience.


Carolina Malatesta, a woman from Alabama, knows it firsthand as she has four children so far. Her first three babies were welcomed naturally and using some medicines to ease the pain, just as most births are carried out.

According to Good Fullness, she chose to deliver her fourth baby even more naturally than before: vaginally and with little-to-no drug intervention. Things went wrong when she got to the Brookwood Baptist Medical Center as they offered the kind of birth she wanted.

Once there, the process began but, a couple of minutes later, she was told to stay put where she was because her labor needed to be 'monitored.'


Malatesta, who never planned such a thing, asked the nurse to bring the doctor so she could talk to him but she kept ignoring her saying that the doctor was not on call.

After trying to make her understand that it was being more painful for her, she confessed that it wasn't about health or safety but about a power struggle.

The mother felt a contraction so hard that she jumped onto her hands and knees as her water broke and the baby’s head started getting out.

The nurse immediately told her to get on her back once again. Since she couldn't do it, the nurse flipped her over and placed her back in the initial position.


A second nurse came in the room and started pushing the head of the baby back into her to prevent the birth. As soon as the doctor arrived, he told the nurses to stop what they were doing.

The baby was later delivered without major complications but Malatesta's body got injured for life. She now suffers from pudendal neuralgia, which is a chronic pain condition that is developed after pelvic nerves get severely damaged.

In 2014, she filed a lawsuit against the hospital and managed to win $16 million. Despite the fact she got a lot of money, she was left with both physical and emotional scars for life.

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