
Video captured woman's reaction at daughter-in-law's pregnancy news

Ksenia Novikova
Jun 01, 2018
02:04 P.M.

A heartwarming clip appears to show the moment Carolynn Pease discovered she was going to be a grandmother for the 11th time.


In 2017, Carolynn got the surprise of her life when her son, Tannin Pease, and daughter-in-law, Katie Pease, revealed that they were expecting a baby.

Tannin, who captured the moment, told ABC News that he was "speechless" when he saw his mother's reaction at the time.

"You see it in the video but ultimately, it was better than I expected. I thought she was going to hit me, but she turned around and hit my dad and kind of laughed it off," he added.

Tannin and Katie, who were expecting their third child, wanted to find out the gender of their baby before the big reveal


Katie told ABC News that they had two miscarriages after the birth of their second baby and that was the reason why they keep the pregnancy a secret for 9 months.

"We had already been through two miscarriages where we told people we were pregnant and then we had to tell them we weren't anymore," Katie explained. "That was heartbreaking and we didn't want to have to go through that again, so it helped waiting so long."

Tannin said that it wasn't too hard keeping the secret to his family because they live in another state, Montana.

"We Skyped them every once in awhile, but we just made sure to keep the belly out of the picture and keep the two grandkids the center of attention," he said.

On February 18, 2017, Tannin's mother, Carolynn, visited her son and daughter-in-law. When she met Tannin at the door, he told her about his wife's pregnancy and that the baby would come a day or two later.

"When we Skyped and I saw [Katie's] face, I thought, 'Oh she stopped jogging. That's OK ... no judgment here," Carolynn told ABC News. "I didn't really expect to hear anything this soon especially with the last miscarriage they had, which was traumatic."

The grandmother added that "the whole thing was very thoughtful to surprise me."

On February 20, 2017, Katie delivered Saul Pease, who was born weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces.

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