
Mom-Of-3 Left with Only $20 Hears Her Kids Praying to God for Help, Finds a Check on Her Doorstep

Lois Oladejo
Apr 19, 2022
04:18 P.M.

A woman down on her luck and saddled with three kids to feed had to make a tough decision when her kids requested a luxury she could not afford. She refused to cave to their request, so they turned to the person they knew would have answers — God.


Sara Gruver is a mother of three whose spirituality and faith in God reminded her that miracles do exist and someone up there is listening to the heartfelt prayers of his creations.

Her story clearly shows that sometimes adults can also pick up a thing or two from children, for example, unwavering faith. The following story is an excellent example of this, and there is little doubt that it changed the woman's life forever.

[Left] Sara Gruver's children playing with one another; [Right] A selfie of Sara Gruver. | Source: instagram.com/gruversb

[Left] Sara Gruver's children playing with one another; [Right] A selfie of Sara Gruver. | Source: instagram.com/gruversb


Sara Gruver is a paramedic from New York who also had to cater to three kids of her own. On a fateful day in 2017, she and her kids were driving home from the grocery store where they had spent nearly all her pay purchasing food for the home after paying her other bills.


All she had to her name was a meager $20, which she had decided would most likely be spent before she got paid again. It was not a lot, but she was grateful there was still something remaining for the week. However, her kids had other ideas.


They wanted ice cream, and they voiced their desires confidently, thinking their mom would oblige them. Imagine their disappointment when Sara refused:

"I said, 'No. I'm short on money and I might need that $20 before payday. We have plenty of good food at home; we don't need to stop at the ice cream store.'"


This made all three kids quite unhappy, so they begged and shed tears, but they gave up when their mom wouldn't budge. Shortly after they went quiet, Sara heard sighs from behind her, and then she listened to her kids speak to God. They said:

"God, we'd really love some ice cream. Is there any way you can give mommy some money so we can get some ice cream tonight? We know you can. Thank you."

Sara thought that was a waste of time, so she replied: "God isn't going to drop money on our doorstep so you two can get ice cream. He's BUSY right now with natural disasters."



One of her kids, whom she named Josh, refused to believe her because he knew that God did hear and answered little prayers. So, he told her what God had revealed to him after their short prayer. He said:

"Nope, God said you'll have plenty of money for ice cream and to give some to the natural disaster people."


Sara thought it better to leave him to his belief, so she kept driving, and soon they were home. As they pulled into the driveway, the devoted mom noticed an envelope lying on her front porch.

When she examined it, she realized that it contained $123 — leftovers from an overpaid student loan from 2007. Sara was floored, and she said as much in the post shared via her Facebook page:

"The kids were not surprised. God was not surprised. And Mom remembered, yet again, what it means to have the faith of a child."


After getting over her initial shock, the mother took her kids to the ice cream shop, and just as her oldest son had said, she donated some of the money to the Red Cross society.

It was a very kind act because she could have pocketed the cash to keep for when she really needed it. Giving it to the Red Cross means that it can become a miracle for someone else, which is only fitting because "miracles should spread."

Their story is proof that God hears every little prayer. Children never doubt their ability to do this, and even their parent's unbelief will not influence their faith.

This is because they have a stronger faith than adults and don't need science to make sense of things. They simply know in their deepest heart when things will work out and when they won't.

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