Daily Joke: Girl Helps Her Friend Win a Million Dollars with Her Answer on a TV Show
A lady was about to win a million dollars on the show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" and decided to call a friend. The friend told her the answer, and it was correct! Continue reading to know how the friend knew the right answer.
A contestant was on the TV show, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" and had already won five hundred thousand dollars. She was on the road to a million dollars with only one question left. For the million-dollar question, the lady was asked:

Photo: AmoMama
"Which of these birds doesn't build its own nest?"
The first option was the condor, the second was the buzzard, the third the cuckoo, and the last option was the vulture. The lady had no clue what the answer was and ended up in a difficult situation because she had used up two of her lifelines.

Woman holding a tablet | Photo: Pexels
The phone-a-friend lifeline was the last option available, and she had hoped not to use it because she believed the only friend she had at home wasn't smart enough. However, she was left with no choice and decided to call her friend, Jenny.
The contestant explained she was on the show, then read the question to her friend audibly. Replying to her friend with confidence, Jenny revealed that the cuckoo was the answer.

Photo of a woman using a computer | Photo: Pexels
The contestant was reluctant to go with that answer because she couldn't trust her friend to give a correct answer. However, it turned out to be correct! She won a million dollars! After three days, she hosted a party for her family and friends, including the girl who helped her win.
At the party, the contestant thanked her friend, whose choice of answer made her a millionaire. She explained that it was the confidence with which she gave the answer that made her go for it.

Photo of a woman holding a telephone | Photo: Pexels
Then the contestant asked her friend how she knew the right answer. Replying to her, the girl explained that the cuckoo did not build nests because they lived in clocks.
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Source: Upjoke.com